I'm 65 and in my whole life I've never hated anyone like I hate that man. I haven't spoken to some of my family that voted for him for months. I get texts or calls and I delete them without reading. I blocked my sister's number. As I read this morning what he did on the first day of his dictatorship I bawled like a baby. I really don't know how I'm going to survive four years of this man. I want to sell our house, divest all our investments and get out of this country but my husband won't go. He doesn't think anything trump does will affect us. I disagree. He already has just by making us the laughing stock of the world.
I'm 77 and totally agree with you. My husband spent 20 years in the AF and Herr Trump hates our military and wants to use them for his immigration round-up and to take back the Panama Canal. Not to mention taking over Greenland. Herr Trump is a treasonous POS that needs to face more than a court we need to go back to firing squads.
I’m 69 and my grandpa died fighting Nazis! My grandma ( born in 1902) went to Germany as a Nurse and my aunt as a nurse to heal our soldiers! I have the most disgusting books in German, that I’ve passed on to my son. My late husband was Jewish and is rolling over in his grave starting with Charlottesville! “Never Again” is back! This is disgusting and vile! I’m so afraid for my son and grandkids! We’re aren’t in a position to leave America! Never in my life did I ever imagine I’d ever want to leave here! It’s here and I want to leave! But I’m working because I can’t retire. I’m petrified! If anyone has the means to leave the US now is the time. Sadly, I don’t know how I can live here now. I’m talking to a shrink who is bombarded with people like me, who want to move out of the US.
Or “ Jews will not replace us!” Women, gays, immigrants( which we all are if you do genealogy like I do) and poor Americans and Jews are all in danger! To see Heil Hitler on day one is telling YOU exactly where this country is going! Get out now if you can!
I’ve got PTSD from all this 💩! There isn’t one redeeming quality in Don The Con or MuskRat!
We are no longer a global leader of anything but fascism!
I want to leave but I fear for my children and grandchildren! What world will they have to live in? Raise their kids in? My children are young, 31 and 28. They aren’t used to paying attention to our politics and to be honest I didn’t get so involved until Trumps first run for office. Now I’ve been consumed almost to a fault! I’ve learned so much but at the same time see how ugly politics can be! I can’t even fathom what lies ahead of us for the next however many years. I don’t see another free and fair election ever taking place unless women and men in Congress and in local governments as well as every day citizens rise up and call the BS out!
I always know there are people worse off than me. I'm so sorry that you are still having to work. What part of the country are you in? I'm in Florida, I need the warm weather for my arthritis.
Native Texan, KCMO raised( Go Chiefs/my first football game at 10 years old, California adopted since 1985. I love Cali! I need warm weather because of thyroid. My family is from The Mayflower from both parents. Most of my ancestors fought in all the wars, Civil war on both sides, yes DAR. All kinds of religions, mostly Christian but my great grandpa was a Democratic Judge from MO! Raised Democrat from birth and I questioned certain things. The answer was “ we help the poor. “ Born on an AF base. My husband was Army/ROTC. I’m a widow since 1998 at 42 with 11 year old son back then. If I could leave I’d leave yesterday. Sadly I don’t think we’ll ever have a free and fair election again! We’re like Russia, they vote and it means nothing! Rigged election, just like both times DonThe Con got in! He is an illegitimate President! Jack Smiths lawsuits are buried. Trump has been a Russian agent since his first wife. There isn’t one person to stop Don The Con. He is above the law! He owns the Supreme Court and the GQP and the Billionaires! Even Bill Gates and Apple! WTF! Proud Boys /Jan 6th got pardoned. That plays in my head over and over.
This will be a country we will not recognize and the damage is done. There is no fixing anything! Im sorry but God isn’t going to save us or anyone! It’s all about Billionaires, Rubles, China, NAZIS and destroying America! I read Steve Schmidt everyday.
I was born in SC, could not wait to get out of there. I left my home at 18, my family are racist and they didn't hide it. I left SC and moved to STLMO at 21. I'm sure you'll agree that until Matt Blunt, it wasn't that bad in Missouri. It was a purple state. Yes Jay Nixon came after but Blunt didn't get a second term because of corruption. He, like trump, got away with it but at least didn't get reelected.
I sadly agree we are now living in a replication of Russia and that trump is not a legitimate president. I'm highly disappointed in the lack of investigation into this past election. If the ones with power to do it think this is not going to happen again, they're sadly mistaken.
Harry! I follow you‼️You really explained perfectly the insane vulgarity of the quack thug felon. We need to work quickly before the damage is irreparable. We are the people and we are ready to fight back! How?
I’m in total agreement with you. Your husband is mistaken if he thinks you will not be affected. So, you may initially not be among the demographics he is currently targeting, but there is the trickle down effect and no one escapes a madman at the head of a government, everyone will be impacted one way or another. Perhaps not financially but for sure spiritually. There were none who were not impacted by Hitler. Pray for your husband.
Breathe,,, three years ago, my doctor told me to stop watching the news because it was extremely bad for my health and it was. I was literally getting sick physically.
Now I minimize it, keep to Substack and Blue Sky
But have HOPE God is still in control
Watch anything else on TV, news or social media Not mentioning this unfit human
At least this time he doesn’t have Covid to blame for his blunders
In all due respect tell your husband he is wrong, everything will affect us bc it started yesterday and will continue, tell your husband you love him and don’t want to live without him. But it Sounds like you want to move, so if he still insists on staying, you’ll need to decide (can you live without selling your house and investments, enough to move?, Husband willing to help sell the house etc if he stays)
Part of his problem is our senior dog. He doesn't want to uproot her. But mostly he said no way is that "punk ass b!tch going to run him out of his home he worked so hard for". My husband and I are partners of 35 years, if he stays, I stay
Thank you, now I understand, it was to be supportive to you & just a suggestion, there’s a substack I’m suggesting everyone read by Steve Schmidt “Elon is saluting evil” there’s a powerful video, I listened to this afternoon. Stay safe
Hang in there. Agree with you but not sure where to go. My husband born in the EU so we have that to fall back on but things not rosy everywhere there. Take care of yourself financially- have enough cash as we are planning to have if things get dire. Find a community of like minded people and I am personally doing more deep breathing and meditation. I refuse to let that monster ruin what’s left of my life. You are not alone, Lisamanv!!!!
Well-stated. I feel the same way. Americans and all the systems we were taught to revere are being crushed. No one has our collective back. No one with sanity is anywhere close to the wheel. What is the plan? Where do we go? What do we do???
I agree, Charlotte, but wasn't that a key part of the Dems campaign messaging, albeit, the pardons were a Dump stump talking point at that time? I saw Fanone interviewed this morning. He's pissed, I'm pissed, and Harry's right; stiff middle fingers all around for all.
My hope is that when the appropriate occasion arrives Officer Fanone and his fellows from the DC and Capital Police will "stand back and stand by" and allow the multitudes to exact their retribution.
Some of the police officers are plaintiffs in civil suits still pending.
Also, sue to recoup for the Treasury all those bribes Trump is receiving, all his merch earnings, etc, as a result of his status as president elect and as # 47.
Very simple solution, Fred Krasner. As you said, next time Capitol security guards, “just stand back and standby”surrounding your Democratic representatives and let the next mob attack your Republican counterparts who so blithely stood by cowering in fear of those January 6 attackers; those same Republicans who after the attack was quelled, denied the seriousness of the attack and in fact tried to discredit the subsequent election certification process in states they did not represent, ergo Ted Cruz re: PA… and yet those same cowering GOP deniers crassly eschewed any subsequent special recognition of their brave Capitol protectors! Next time, let them be maced, zip tied, roughed up or even be hanged. Just deserts!!!
That is exactly the point. The Democrats are dying a slow death brought on by cloudy generations of doing the right thing, being the good guy and taking the higher ground. This is not reruns of Gunsmoke . There are no white hats and cherry cheeked children. They need to stop being so fucking understanding and kick some ass. We are not in an empathy training class.
They have been, but didn't work. We may not know if there was any fooling with the popular and electoral votes. It took several years after Trump was supposedly elected the first time to see what the Russians had done.
they impeached him twice. Charged and convicted him with multiple criminal offenses. And then nearly half of americans voted him to the highest office in the country. What do you think they should do?
Thank you Kathy. I'm so tired of people blaming Democrats for what Republicans do or don't do. This is NOT Democrats fault! Blame his fellow Republicans, blame the over 70 million who voted for him, blame those who stayed home and didn't vote. I'm a Democrat, and I worked my tail off for Kamala Harris, and donated lots of money as well. This is not our fault, and really not our responsibility to fix, although I'm certain we'll do whatever we can.
I would disagree in one respect. How pathetic the prosecution of crimes by the DOJ and the lackluster support they received from Biden. The SCOTUS gave him full authority to get the DOJ to do their job but Biden dithered and now we have a virtual dictator because they were to afraid of ramifications by the pro-fascist supporters of Trump. It was so galling to watch the DOJ flounder and drag it out till the election. Why didn't it start at DAY ONE? The Democrats and too many independents and even Republicans seem to have ZERO sense of history when it comes to dealing with fanatics and despot wannabee. How disgusting it was watching Obama laugh and joke with the Fascist at Pres Carters funeral. I get the feeling they all are just in on the joke.
I don't know the answers to your questions. But I thought that before trump, presidents stayed away from telling the DOJ what to do. It seems preferable over what we have to look forward to in the next 4 years.
Yes. Just wrote precisely that on a dem request for $$ after a survey. No more surveys. Stop asking for money. I want to hear and see warrior mode because that is where we are.
Debra, you are so right about surveys, etc which were, and still are, requests from Democrat fundraisers for money. They are still doing it and I’m deleting them all. I even got requests regarding Chuck Shumer’s “no kings act” and one saying Joe B was going to appoint 4 new SCOTUS’s. What did these people take me for? A Republican voter? Lost all credibility with me. Please Dems stop the nonsense and go back to work and figure out how to clearly communicate with voters. Keep it simple.
Hey - "the people have spoken"!! Let's not forget that Hitler/Nazi Party only won 35% of the vote in 1932-33 elections. And the Germans knew MUCh less about Hitler/Nazis than than American voters knew about Trump. Everyone keeps dumping on DJT as the evil. Why not admit that it's really the American people -- or a huge percent of them -- who are responsible. After all, after WWII everyone was dumping on the German people. WE are the enemy!!
A foul stain upon the Constitution of the USA - encouraged by far too many members of what was once the Grand Old Party. Truly disgusting, and sadly will only deteriorate.
Oh my Goodness, Harry, this is so bad. You're right when you said that this is the Worst actions by a President in US history. Nobody can compare, No One. Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
Definitely a huge betrayal of his oath but not the worst action by a president - thinking of the 2 hugely consequential (not in a good way) wars of choice started by dubya…
Let’s be honest here folks - they keep winning because they know how to fight dirty and have zero morals which means any means to win are perfectly acceptable. While Dems talked about bipartisanship and pushing progressive agenda which honestly most of Americans don’t want . Add the huge social media influence machine on the right and totally inept main stream media to the mix and here we are. If there is any hope of the tide turning, it will require some bad things to happen first. Mid-terms will be very telling, let’s see what happens in 2026…
A progressive agenda of: Healthcare for ALL, a living wage for ALL, universal childcare for those who need it, food assistance for those who need it and getting help for the sick, disabled and homeless....
Most of Americans DON'T want this ?? Then those particular "Americans" are even stupider and more morally bankrupt than I originally thought.
Thank you for that Diane, I'm sick of hearing that Americans don't like the "progressive agenda" yet polling consistently shows that 65 to 70% of Americans agree with the Democratic platform. It's not a progressive agenda it's an agenda for all of America.
You're most welcome, yes, you're right. It's an agenda for ALL Americans…. I'll take it one step further too: if they can give the billionaires/corporations further tax breaks, then they can give every American a guaranteed basic income of $2,000.00 per month. That would help everyone survive with a little breathing room, help people save a little for emergencies, help seniors and disabled get by easier. It would also help the country grow because if people are lifted out of poverty, they become healthier and therefore more productive and creative. It would even help the younger generations to become entrepreneurs and open small businesses. It would make the country a better place for everyone.
I had the same reaction to the comment, "progressive agenda which honestly most of Americans don't want" and without specifying items I could only recall several reports with high percentages liking/wanting some policies. Any policies that improve or help peoples day to day lives are popular unless he is referring to some of the issues about cultural issues or anything that is not tangible in a say, financial sense. I am just running on a stream of thought here but I don't get it.
I know what you mean, but it seems to be the general griping I've heard from the corporate media talking heads …. always complaining that the Democrats’ platform isn't popular with most Americans. It's just more gaslighting in my opinion.
So now Trump has unleashed his paramilitary brown shirts to radicalize and reign terror on the citizenry. Meanwhile, will the U.S. military fall in line and carry out Trump's unconstitutional orders? Will the White House Press Corps find their voices and challenge the tyrant in the Oval Office -- or will they stand quietly and timidly as they did yesterday while the convicted felon signed his unlawful executive orders with a flourish? Will Senate and House Democrats find their backbones and condemn Trump and his administration every day as they should? We the people are counting on a Resistance rising among our leaders to have courage and save the Constitution and the country, but I'm not holding my breath. I fear we will end up like Hungary or Russia -- or even worse, North Korea.
Can you believe how depraved those Magats are? Swatting his mother and then throwing human feces at her when she was gardening on her front lawn! What kind of scum does that to anyone, especially an elderly woman? This is what that orange sonifabitch has encouraged in society. That poor woman 😢. I can't imagine how Fanone feels, much less copes with this neverending nightmare on a daily basis 😞. He'll never heal his PTSD.
I think to ‘Like’ a post like this detailing the raw chutzpah and disregard for anything is somehow off. Don’t get me wrong Harry, it is a great post but maybe we ought to have a 🤬option.
Mike, WE THE PEOPLE, are the option!! We cannot wait for our reps to do anything. We have to DEMAND that they stand up against this tyranny! Don’t think that lawsuits, which take forever in our injustice system (currently) to work quickly. Trump wants a Civil War, then let’s give it to him!
He has been a profound traitor and extreme menace to the country as a whole from day 1. That should have been clear for anyone willing to look with eyes wide open. The menace has been allowed to grow and fester. It's never too late to fight and fight we must because, as you state, our very existence is at stake - literally given the increasing risk of unabated runaway climate change. The fight will be harder now because too many looked away and refused to see.
Being a hardcore climate action advocate (see Citizens' Climate Lobby), I agree that Trump is going to do everything he can to reverse what little we are doing on climate. But I would argue against despair because the U.S. only accounts for 11% of global emissions today. Fortunately, the EU, China, and even India are taking more aggressive action than we are (including carbon taxes) and so that's where all our hope lies. It would be far better if the U.S. would show some leadership on climate, but the world may, I believe, pass us by on that issue. It may be what saves us.
Trump is just destroying this country so that he can sell it off in exchange for a quick buck or in exchange for another Trump Tower wherever the highest bidder is located.
At this time, it feels like we’re going to somehow have to ride out this incoming disaster. All our allies are turning their backs to us, and if Trump sets off a world war 3, this country is screwed. Trump will flail away at whatever, and our enemies just need to land one good hit to put Trump on his knees in total panic mode.
It will end up Trump and his little MAGA army against the entire world, including the half of this country that would happily rebel against him. He’s gonna have to defend against multiple fronts, and given he’s no leader, I don’t think whining and throwing tantrums will save him.
"A Neo-Nazi Helped Incite U.K. Riots. Elon Musk Criticized His Sentencing."
It would be easy to dismiss his gesture and mere exuberance - but he is no fool and he and trump know how to speak in code to their followers.
No one is selling their Tesla's, and the ADL is defending ! DEFENDING - the gesture ( never forget, unless we want to stay on the good side of the fence )
Students wear Keffiyeh's at Columbia Harvard and U Penn, and the likes of the ADL and Ackman, want to close all the universities and have the students arrested .
Billionaire gives a Nazi Salute at the inauguration of our next president and its a big yawn by these warriors against antisemitism
As a Jew, in my 70's, whose grandparents and mother fled Poland ( from Russia ) I am appalled.
Thank you! This was not a Roman salute. Don’t let them fool you by their lies. This is one of the things Orwell mentioned about believing their lies of what you saw and heard. Take heed, Americans. This is rule by nationalists, white supremacists, and if they get their way, the Christian Right.
I would upgrade to paid, but you shamed yourself and readers by giving legitimacy to Musk's obvious Nazi salute by calling it a Roman style salute. I refuse to support normalization of the outrageous and unamerican actions and statements of those who are now running (ruining) my beloved country.
Actually historically correct in that the salute used by Romans was the same as the Nazi salute. Lets face it most people would have no clue to a Roman salute.
Musk was using a Nazi salute. Lets call it what it was a disgusting gesture from an ignorant person.
I’m sorry but musk is neither ignorant nor stupid. He knew full well that he was giving a Nazi salute. He is tweeting support for the German neo-Nazi party. He sees that endorsing Trump by showing personal loyalty will get him more money. And that’s what it’s all about.
Agreed! That's what a "Roman Salute" is. It was actually invented in the 1800s and then adopted by the Italian Fascists. Nothing to do with ancient Rome, but definitely similar to the Nazi salute. Google is useful.
It's a gesture that was invented in Italy in the 1800s, then adopted by Mussolini in the 1920s, and then adopted in a modified form by the Nazis. It has nothing to do with ancient Rome. It's a fascist gesture. Harry was just trying to be accurate.
Giving legitimacy to, or explaining what they will call the salute, are two different things. Harry knows what he did, he wrote it that way to explain to those who don’t know where the Nazi salute came from. It’s a far cry from what WAPO did yesterday. And then I cancelled my subscription and deleted my account. At least IMO.
I agree with Stacey and the replies. I remember well our common grade-school (1-6) assemblies, most specifically the one (1942-43) in which we were called not only to recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag, but more importantly to learn the change in the salute from the upward outstretched arm, palm up (Bellamy), to the right hand-over-heart. For picture of the Bellamy salute see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute
You shouldn't attack Harry over this. Calling it a "Roman Salute" is not "normalizing" -- the "Roman Salute" was actually invented in Italy in the late 1800s, later adopted by Mussolini and the Fascists, and then copied in a slightly altered form by the Nazis. When Harry calls it a "Roman Salute," that's actually acknowledging that it's a fascist gesture.
Trump taking the oath of office is a joke. He has no ethics, nor any regard for law or the Constitution. Literally, the pardons of the insurrectionists should be an impeachable offense. Trump, being Trump, I believe will so something so outrageous within the next two years that he will again be impeached.
My 2 year reference is to the mid-terms. Any hope of any even modest accountability will require a Democrat house. While I fear for the Country, & I question whether the Rs will ever put country over party, Trump may well do something so outrageous that even the Rs cannot overlook it, e.g., ignore a SCOTUS order. I say this while noting Trump pardoned the insurrectionists & literally not a peep from the “law & order party.”
So, dear Harry, perhaps you, having been a DOJ member, can explain why in hell the DOJ/AG/FBI let a coup leader walk away scot-free from the presidency on Jan 21, 2021, only to continue to carry on an "alternative" presidency and run Congress, SCOTUS, and the Federal Government in general, while being addressed on the MSM as "president"? Hmmmm? Just too afraid that he'd sick his tiny MAGAT militia on ya? How has that worked out? When the brave shirk their responsibilities to defend the Republic, that Republic and all in it will fall into disrepair and chaos, right?
Stop with the blame game "dear Greeley". Your MD title doesn't make you elite although your tone would imply that you believe yourself to be and have entered stage left with all the answers. I'm a RN and recognize your high and mighty attitude having worked w/ your condescending type over the past 40 years. Were you not paying attention to the attempts to impeach him, the indictments brought against him, the court delays, the judge in FL who conspired to let him walk, the inability of Judge Merchan to give him a meaningful sentence although he was convicted? Go back to practicing medicine and stepping on nurses and stop bashing "dear Harry". What an arrogant and pompous old ass you are!
I'm 65 and in my whole life I've never hated anyone like I hate that man. I haven't spoken to some of my family that voted for him for months. I get texts or calls and I delete them without reading. I blocked my sister's number. As I read this morning what he did on the first day of his dictatorship I bawled like a baby. I really don't know how I'm going to survive four years of this man. I want to sell our house, divest all our investments and get out of this country but my husband won't go. He doesn't think anything trump does will affect us. I disagree. He already has just by making us the laughing stock of the world.
I'm 77 and totally agree with you. My husband spent 20 years in the AF and Herr Trump hates our military and wants to use them for his immigration round-up and to take back the Panama Canal. Not to mention taking over Greenland. Herr Trump is a treasonous POS that needs to face more than a court we need to go back to firing squads.
I’m 69 and my grandpa died fighting Nazis! My grandma ( born in 1902) went to Germany as a Nurse and my aunt as a nurse to heal our soldiers! I have the most disgusting books in German, that I’ve passed on to my son. My late husband was Jewish and is rolling over in his grave starting with Charlottesville! “Never Again” is back! This is disgusting and vile! I’m so afraid for my son and grandkids! We’re aren’t in a position to leave America! Never in my life did I ever imagine I’d ever want to leave here! It’s here and I want to leave! But I’m working because I can’t retire. I’m petrified! If anyone has the means to leave the US now is the time. Sadly, I don’t know how I can live here now. I’m talking to a shrink who is bombarded with people like me, who want to move out of the US.
Or “ Jews will not replace us!” Women, gays, immigrants( which we all are if you do genealogy like I do) and poor Americans and Jews are all in danger! To see Heil Hitler on day one is telling YOU exactly where this country is going! Get out now if you can!
I’ve got PTSD from all this 💩! There isn’t one redeeming quality in Don The Con or MuskRat!
We are no longer a global leader of anything but fascism!
I want to leave but I fear for my children and grandchildren! What world will they have to live in? Raise their kids in? My children are young, 31 and 28. They aren’t used to paying attention to our politics and to be honest I didn’t get so involved until Trumps first run for office. Now I’ve been consumed almost to a fault! I’ve learned so much but at the same time see how ugly politics can be! I can’t even fathom what lies ahead of us for the next however many years. I don’t see another free and fair election ever taking place unless women and men in Congress and in local governments as well as every day citizens rise up and call the BS out!
I always know there are people worse off than me. I'm so sorry that you are still having to work. What part of the country are you in? I'm in Florida, I need the warm weather for my arthritis.
Native Texan, KCMO raised( Go Chiefs/my first football game at 10 years old, California adopted since 1985. I love Cali! I need warm weather because of thyroid. My family is from The Mayflower from both parents. Most of my ancestors fought in all the wars, Civil war on both sides, yes DAR. All kinds of religions, mostly Christian but my great grandpa was a Democratic Judge from MO! Raised Democrat from birth and I questioned certain things. The answer was “ we help the poor. “ Born on an AF base. My husband was Army/ROTC. I’m a widow since 1998 at 42 with 11 year old son back then. If I could leave I’d leave yesterday. Sadly I don’t think we’ll ever have a free and fair election again! We’re like Russia, they vote and it means nothing! Rigged election, just like both times DonThe Con got in! He is an illegitimate President! Jack Smiths lawsuits are buried. Trump has been a Russian agent since his first wife. There isn’t one person to stop Don The Con. He is above the law! He owns the Supreme Court and the GQP and the Billionaires! Even Bill Gates and Apple! WTF! Proud Boys /Jan 6th got pardoned. That plays in my head over and over.
This will be a country we will not recognize and the damage is done. There is no fixing anything! Im sorry but God isn’t going to save us or anyone! It’s all about Billionaires, Rubles, China, NAZIS and destroying America! I read Steve Schmidt everyday.
I was born in SC, could not wait to get out of there. I left my home at 18, my family are racist and they didn't hide it. I left SC and moved to STLMO at 21. I'm sure you'll agree that until Matt Blunt, it wasn't that bad in Missouri. It was a purple state. Yes Jay Nixon came after but Blunt didn't get a second term because of corruption. He, like trump, got away with it but at least didn't get reelected.
I sadly agree we are now living in a replication of Russia and that trump is not a legitimate president. I'm highly disappointed in the lack of investigation into this past election. If the ones with power to do it think this is not going to happen again, they're sadly mistaken.
I agree with you. I lived in St Louis for a year working for The Teamsters.
Sadly they've lost the auto industry jobs.
Harry! I follow you‼️You really explained perfectly the insane vulgarity of the quack thug felon. We need to work quickly before the damage is irreparable. We are the people and we are ready to fight back! How?
I’m in total agreement with you. Your husband is mistaken if he thinks you will not be affected. So, you may initially not be among the demographics he is currently targeting, but there is the trickle down effect and no one escapes a madman at the head of a government, everyone will be impacted one way or another. Perhaps not financially but for sure spiritually. There were none who were not impacted by Hitler. Pray for your husband.
When all the imigrants are deported and the cost of all fruits and veges rise, I'm sure they'll try to blame it on Biden. Sick!
Breathe,,, three years ago, my doctor told me to stop watching the news because it was extremely bad for my health and it was. I was literally getting sick physically.
Now I minimize it, keep to Substack and Blue Sky
But have HOPE God is still in control
Watch anything else on TV, news or social media Not mentioning this unfit human
At least this time he doesn’t have Covid to blame for his blunders
America is stronger than republican criminals 💜
In all due respect tell your husband he is wrong, everything will affect us bc it started yesterday and will continue, tell your husband you love him and don’t want to live without him. But it Sounds like you want to move, so if he still insists on staying, you’ll need to decide (can you live without selling your house and investments, enough to move?, Husband willing to help sell the house etc if he stays)
Part of his problem is our senior dog. He doesn't want to uproot her. But mostly he said no way is that "punk ass b!tch going to run him out of his home he worked so hard for". My husband and I are partners of 35 years, if he stays, I stay
Thank you, now I understand, it was to be supportive to you & just a suggestion, there’s a substack I’m suggesting everyone read by Steve Schmidt “Elon is saluting evil” there’s a powerful video, I listened to this afternoon. Stay safe
Thank you.
You’re welcome God bless you and your family. God bless us all and God bless America ❤️🙏🇺🇸
Hang in there. Agree with you but not sure where to go. My husband born in the EU so we have that to fall back on but things not rosy everywhere there. Take care of yourself financially- have enough cash as we are planning to have if things get dire. Find a community of like minded people and I am personally doing more deep breathing and meditation. I refuse to let that monster ruin what’s left of my life. You are not alone, Lisamanv!!!!
it’s time the Democrats stood up and start hammering this man for what he has done. They should quit being Patsy‘s nice guys. Enough is enough.!
Well-stated. I feel the same way. Americans and all the systems we were taught to revere are being crushed. No one has our collective back. No one with sanity is anywhere close to the wheel. What is the plan? Where do we go? What do we do???
I agree, Charlotte, but wasn't that a key part of the Dems campaign messaging, albeit, the pardons were a Dump stump talking point at that time? I saw Fanone interviewed this morning. He's pissed, I'm pissed, and Harry's right; stiff middle fingers all around for all.
My hope is that when the appropriate occasion arrives Officer Fanone and his fellows from the DC and Capital Police will "stand back and stand by" and allow the multitudes to exact their retribution.
Some of the police officers are plaintiffs in civil suits still pending.
Also, sue to recoup for the Treasury all those bribes Trump is receiving, all his merch earnings, etc, as a result of his status as president elect and as # 47.
Very simple solution, Fred Krasner. As you said, next time Capitol security guards, “just stand back and standby”surrounding your Democratic representatives and let the next mob attack your Republican counterparts who so blithely stood by cowering in fear of those January 6 attackers; those same Republicans who after the attack was quelled, denied the seriousness of the attack and in fact tried to discredit the subsequent election certification process in states they did not represent, ergo Ted Cruz re: PA… and yet those same cowering GOP deniers crassly eschewed any subsequent special recognition of their brave Capitol protectors! Next time, let them be maced, zip tied, roughed up or even be hanged. Just deserts!!!
Can anyone imagine the outcry if the outnumbered police had used the deadly force they, alone, can use to protect property and save lives?
I wonder who would be cheering and who would be jeering now.
That is exactly the point. The Democrats are dying a slow death brought on by cloudy generations of doing the right thing, being the good guy and taking the higher ground. This is not reruns of Gunsmoke . There are no white hats and cherry cheeked children. They need to stop being so fucking understanding and kick some ass. We are not in an empathy training class.
Well-said, thank you
And years of giving everyone in their big tent a special participation ribbon when they should have be trying to represent every American.
They have been, but didn't work. We may not know if there was any fooling with the popular and electoral votes. It took several years after Trump was supposedly elected the first time to see what the Russians had done.
Oh yes! Plenty of computer experts know.....but for some strange reason, no news outlet is even mentioning it.
they impeached him twice. Charged and convicted him with multiple criminal offenses. And then nearly half of americans voted him to the highest office in the country. What do you think they should do?
Thank you Kathy. I'm so tired of people blaming Democrats for what Republicans do or don't do. This is NOT Democrats fault! Blame his fellow Republicans, blame the over 70 million who voted for him, blame those who stayed home and didn't vote. I'm a Democrat, and I worked my tail off for Kamala Harris, and donated lots of money as well. This is not our fault, and really not our responsibility to fix, although I'm certain we'll do whatever we can.
I would disagree in one respect. How pathetic the prosecution of crimes by the DOJ and the lackluster support they received from Biden. The SCOTUS gave him full authority to get the DOJ to do their job but Biden dithered and now we have a virtual dictator because they were to afraid of ramifications by the pro-fascist supporters of Trump. It was so galling to watch the DOJ flounder and drag it out till the election. Why didn't it start at DAY ONE? The Democrats and too many independents and even Republicans seem to have ZERO sense of history when it comes to dealing with fanatics and despot wannabee. How disgusting it was watching Obama laugh and joke with the Fascist at Pres Carters funeral. I get the feeling they all are just in on the joke.
I don't know the answers to your questions. But I thought that before trump, presidents stayed away from telling the DOJ what to do. It seems preferable over what we have to look forward to in the next 4 years.
Repent, and demand their representatives do their jobs or get recalled for violating their oaths.
Yes. Just wrote precisely that on a dem request for $$ after a survey. No more surveys. Stop asking for money. I want to hear and see warrior mode because that is where we are.
Debra, you are so right about surveys, etc which were, and still are, requests from Democrat fundraisers for money. They are still doing it and I’m deleting them all. I even got requests regarding Chuck Shumer’s “no kings act” and one saying Joe B was going to appoint 4 new SCOTUS’s. What did these people take me for? A Republican voter? Lost all credibility with me. Please Dems stop the nonsense and go back to work and figure out how to clearly communicate with voters. Keep it simple.
Hey - "the people have spoken"!! Let's not forget that Hitler/Nazi Party only won 35% of the vote in 1932-33 elections. And the Germans knew MUCh less about Hitler/Nazis than than American voters knew about Trump. Everyone keeps dumping on DJT as the evil. Why not admit that it's really the American people -- or a huge percent of them -- who are responsible. After all, after WWII everyone was dumping on the German people. WE are the enemy!!
Good points, Tom. Somebody please tell me why I shouldn't interpret Trump's pardons and Musk's gestures as omens comparable to 1933 Germany.
Reminds me of the quite old Pogo comic: "we have met the enemy and it is us."
agree. Lately I've been more angry/upset with the protest voters and the nonvoters, than with the felon voters.
Same! The MAGAts are irredeemable, but the others couldn’t be bothered to do something simple and straightforward to protect this country.
I’m grateful for the work you’re doing to help us during these deeply disturbing times. Thank you. Harry.
Thank you for this, an excellent analysis and great historical references.
A foul stain upon the Constitution of the USA - encouraged by far too many members of what was once the Grand Old Party. Truly disgusting, and sadly will only deteriorate.
Oh my Goodness, Harry, this is so bad. You're right when you said that this is the Worst actions by a President in US history. Nobody can compare, No One. Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
Definitely a huge betrayal of his oath but not the worst action by a president - thinking of the 2 hugely consequential (not in a good way) wars of choice started by dubya…
Let’s be honest here folks - they keep winning because they know how to fight dirty and have zero morals which means any means to win are perfectly acceptable. While Dems talked about bipartisanship and pushing progressive agenda which honestly most of Americans don’t want . Add the huge social media influence machine on the right and totally inept main stream media to the mix and here we are. If there is any hope of the tide turning, it will require some bad things to happen first. Mid-terms will be very telling, let’s see what happens in 2026…
A progressive agenda of: Healthcare for ALL, a living wage for ALL, universal childcare for those who need it, food assistance for those who need it and getting help for the sick, disabled and homeless....
Most of Americans DON'T want this ?? Then those particular "Americans" are even stupider and more morally bankrupt than I originally thought.
Thank you for that Diane, I'm sick of hearing that Americans don't like the "progressive agenda" yet polling consistently shows that 65 to 70% of Americans agree with the Democratic platform. It's not a progressive agenda it's an agenda for all of America.
You're most welcome, yes, you're right. It's an agenda for ALL Americans…. I'll take it one step further too: if they can give the billionaires/corporations further tax breaks, then they can give every American a guaranteed basic income of $2,000.00 per month. That would help everyone survive with a little breathing room, help people save a little for emergencies, help seniors and disabled get by easier. It would also help the country grow because if people are lifted out of poverty, they become healthier and therefore more productive and creative. It would even help the younger generations to become entrepreneurs and open small businesses. It would make the country a better place for everyone.
I had the same reaction to the comment, "progressive agenda which honestly most of Americans don't want" and without specifying items I could only recall several reports with high percentages liking/wanting some policies. Any policies that improve or help peoples day to day lives are popular unless he is referring to some of the issues about cultural issues or anything that is not tangible in a say, financial sense. I am just running on a stream of thought here but I don't get it.
I know what you mean, but it seems to be the general griping I've heard from the corporate media talking heads …. always complaining that the Democrats’ platform isn't popular with most Americans. It's just more gaslighting in my opinion.
So now Trump has unleashed his paramilitary brown shirts to radicalize and reign terror on the citizenry. Meanwhile, will the U.S. military fall in line and carry out Trump's unconstitutional orders? Will the White House Press Corps find their voices and challenge the tyrant in the Oval Office -- or will they stand quietly and timidly as they did yesterday while the convicted felon signed his unlawful executive orders with a flourish? Will Senate and House Democrats find their backbones and condemn Trump and his administration every day as they should? We the people are counting on a Resistance rising among our leaders to have courage and save the Constitution and the country, but I'm not holding my breath. I fear we will end up like Hungary or Russia -- or even worse, North Korea.
Is there legal recourse for Fanone to sue to hold his attacker responsible financially for his actions???
Yes, as long as the statute of limitations hasn't run out. It would be a civil cause of action in State court.
I hope Fanone knows this. He and his family are being viciously harassed and this could get much worse with these people getting released.
Can you believe how depraved those Magats are? Swatting his mother and then throwing human feces at her when she was gardening on her front lawn! What kind of scum does that to anyone, especially an elderly woman? This is what that orange sonifabitch has encouraged in society. That poor woman 😢. I can't imagine how Fanone feels, much less copes with this neverending nightmare on a daily basis 😞. He'll never heal his PTSD.
I think to ‘Like’ a post like this detailing the raw chutzpah and disregard for anything is somehow off. Don’t get me wrong Harry, it is a great post but maybe we ought to have a 🤬option.
Mike, WE THE PEOPLE, are the option!! We cannot wait for our reps to do anything. We have to DEMAND that they stand up against this tyranny! Don’t think that lawsuits, which take forever in our injustice system (currently) to work quickly. Trump wants a Civil War, then let’s give it to him!
He has been a profound traitor and extreme menace to the country as a whole from day 1. That should have been clear for anyone willing to look with eyes wide open. The menace has been allowed to grow and fester. It's never too late to fight and fight we must because, as you state, our very existence is at stake - literally given the increasing risk of unabated runaway climate change. The fight will be harder now because too many looked away and refused to see.
Being a hardcore climate action advocate (see Citizens' Climate Lobby), I agree that Trump is going to do everything he can to reverse what little we are doing on climate. But I would argue against despair because the U.S. only accounts for 11% of global emissions today. Fortunately, the EU, China, and even India are taking more aggressive action than we are (including carbon taxes) and so that's where all our hope lies. It would be far better if the U.S. would show some leadership on climate, but the world may, I believe, pass us by on that issue. It may be what saves us.
Trump is just destroying this country so that he can sell it off in exchange for a quick buck or in exchange for another Trump Tower wherever the highest bidder is located.
At this time, it feels like we’re going to somehow have to ride out this incoming disaster. All our allies are turning their backs to us, and if Trump sets off a world war 3, this country is screwed. Trump will flail away at whatever, and our enemies just need to land one good hit to put Trump on his knees in total panic mode.
It will end up Trump and his little MAGA army against the entire world, including the half of this country that would happily rebel against him. He’s gonna have to defend against multiple fronts, and given he’s no leader, I don’t think whining and throwing tantrums will save him.
Musk gives a Nazi Salute, it should not be mistaken for a romans salute https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/global-trends/was-elon-musks-gesture-a-nazi-salute-or-a-roman-sign-of-power-the-controversy-explained/articleshow/117433636.cms?from=mdr
considering , Musks previous embrace of Nazi's
Gift Link :
"A Neo-Nazi Helped Incite U.K. Riots. Elon Musk Criticized His Sentencing."
It would be easy to dismiss his gesture and mere exuberance - but he is no fool and he and trump know how to speak in code to their followers.
No one is selling their Tesla's, and the ADL is defending ! DEFENDING - the gesture ( never forget, unless we want to stay on the good side of the fence )
Students wear Keffiyeh's at Columbia Harvard and U Penn, and the likes of the ADL and Ackman, want to close all the universities and have the students arrested .
Billionaire gives a Nazi Salute at the inauguration of our next president and its a big yawn by these warriors against antisemitism
As a Jew, in my 70's, whose grandparents and mother fled Poland ( from Russia ) I am appalled.
It's a shanda !
Thank you! This was not a Roman salute. Don’t let them fool you by their lies. This is one of the things Orwell mentioned about believing their lies of what you saw and heard. Take heed, Americans. This is rule by nationalists, white supremacists, and if they get their way, the Christian Right.
I would upgrade to paid, but you shamed yourself and readers by giving legitimacy to Musk's obvious Nazi salute by calling it a Roman style salute. I refuse to support normalization of the outrageous and unamerican actions and statements of those who are now running (ruining) my beloved country.
What the beejabbers is a “Roman salute”? When someone walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, he’s a duck!
Actually historically correct in that the salute used by Romans was the same as the Nazi salute. Lets face it most people would have no clue to a Roman salute.
Musk was using a Nazi salute. Lets call it what it was a disgusting gesture from an ignorant person.
I’m sorry but musk is neither ignorant nor stupid. He knew full well that he was giving a Nazi salute. He is tweeting support for the German neo-Nazi party. He sees that endorsing Trump by showing personal loyalty will get him more money. And that’s what it’s all about.
Agreed! That's what a "Roman Salute" is. It was actually invented in the 1800s and then adopted by the Italian Fascists. Nothing to do with ancient Rome, but definitely similar to the Nazi salute. Google is useful.
It's a gesture that was invented in Italy in the 1800s, then adopted by Mussolini in the 1920s, and then adopted in a modified form by the Nazis. It has nothing to do with ancient Rome. It's a fascist gesture. Harry was just trying to be accurate.
I wonder about fair-weather-friends who quit for one issue.
Giving legitimacy to, or explaining what they will call the salute, are two different things. Harry knows what he did, he wrote it that way to explain to those who don’t know where the Nazi salute came from. It’s a far cry from what WAPO did yesterday. And then I cancelled my subscription and deleted my account. At least IMO.
I agree with Stacey and the replies. I remember well our common grade-school (1-6) assemblies, most specifically the one (1942-43) in which we were called not only to recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag, but more importantly to learn the change in the salute from the upward outstretched arm, palm up (Bellamy), to the right hand-over-heart. For picture of the Bellamy salute see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute
You shouldn't attack Harry over this. Calling it a "Roman Salute" is not "normalizing" -- the "Roman Salute" was actually invented in Italy in the late 1800s, later adopted by Mussolini and the Fascists, and then copied in a slightly altered form by the Nazis. When Harry calls it a "Roman Salute," that's actually acknowledging that it's a fascist gesture.
Trump taking the oath of office is a joke. He has no ethics, nor any regard for law or the Constitution. Literally, the pardons of the insurrectionists should be an impeachable offense. Trump, being Trump, I believe will so something so outrageous within the next two years that he will again be impeached.
I saw somewhere that trump "forgot" to put his hand on the Bible when taking his oath… Forgot??????????
Not with a Republican-controlled House.
My 2 year reference is to the mid-terms. Any hope of any even modest accountability will require a Democrat house. While I fear for the Country, & I question whether the Rs will ever put country over party, Trump may well do something so outrageous that even the Rs cannot overlook it, e.g., ignore a SCOTUS order. I say this while noting Trump pardoned the insurrectionists & literally not a peep from the “law & order party.”
So, dear Harry, perhaps you, having been a DOJ member, can explain why in hell the DOJ/AG/FBI let a coup leader walk away scot-free from the presidency on Jan 21, 2021, only to continue to carry on an "alternative" presidency and run Congress, SCOTUS, and the Federal Government in general, while being addressed on the MSM as "president"? Hmmmm? Just too afraid that he'd sick his tiny MAGAT militia on ya? How has that worked out? When the brave shirk their responsibilities to defend the Republic, that Republic and all in it will fall into disrepair and chaos, right?
Stop with the blame game "dear Greeley". Your MD title doesn't make you elite although your tone would imply that you believe yourself to be and have entered stage left with all the answers. I'm a RN and recognize your high and mighty attitude having worked w/ your condescending type over the past 40 years. Were you not paying attention to the attempts to impeach him, the indictments brought against him, the court delays, the judge in FL who conspired to let him walk, the inability of Judge Merchan to give him a meaningful sentence although he was convicted? Go back to practicing medicine and stepping on nurses and stop bashing "dear Harry". What an arrogant and pompous old ass you are!