That's why we need to try the disqualification tactic. “The upshot is that Donald Trump remains constitutionally disqualified from the presidency and may not lawfully serve in that office or any other unless Congress removes the disqualification by two-thirds majorities of both houses. Nothing in Trump v. Anderson changes that legal reality.”
William Baude and Michael Paulsen, Harvard Law Review, Sweeping Section Three under the Rug: A Comment on Trump v. Anderson
I think the Panama/Greenland/Canada idiocy is a cover for something else. They’re dangling a shiny object for the legacy media to latch on to while more dastardly things are being planned. Trump may be as stupid as dried putty, but he’s surrounded himself with sociopathic lick-spittles and sycophants with ulterior motives of their own.
100000% agree. Also, this bluster is giving Russia cover for its unlawful invasion of Ukraine (and more fodder to undermine NATO). Who are we to criticize Russia for expansionist/imperialist actions when we are now making such threats to other sovereign nations. Chump is a dangerous Imbecile.
This is it. "Acquiring Greenland for national security purposes" is as foul as Putin's requiring, say, Alaska, for his own security purposes. ( He's already doing this in Ukraine obviously). So Trump wants a land grab and his piece of the pie. Maybe, but I also think that all of this stupidity is smoke and mirrors so that we don't ask questions like what is his plan for Ukraine specifically? Has he changed his projection on his immigration intentions? Where does he stand on education at the moment besides" tear it down"?. These are things he's avoiding with outrageousness like he wouldn't take military action off the table for Panama or renaming the Gulf of Mexico. Disgusting.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
You are writing about the putative actions of an entirely soulless being, a creature obeying only his meanest impulses, and one for whom restraint and forbearance are foreign to his character.
Agreed. In my shock at the election results, on Nov 6 I used the description “soulless” about the rotted pumpkin in a text to my brother, and he hasn’t spoken to me since. I stand by the description.
As a retired military officer of 26 years, I have to bring up the fact that every member of the military takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution and they do annual training to ensure they understand that they will be held liable for following illegal orders. An order to take military action against an ally for the purpose of acquiring land is unconstitutional and is the very definition of an illegal order.
First, I’m so glad I retired three months before Trump took office the first time so I never had to call him my CIC. I would imagine there are a ton of good officers sweating right now trying to figure out how they will respond should Trump try to order military action. This would absolutely destroy our military because there will be officers and enlisted who will refuse to follow orders and others who won’t. It will be a powder keg in the ranks, creating chaos and inability to perform any mission including national defense. It will make us a sitting duck.
Maybe the purpose? Can’t really put anything past trmp and co. Venal bunch with vile purposes. The world is worried as it well should be. There will be rogues running loose in not too many more days now.
I am sort of surprised I need to say this but I will do so anyway: The people of Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam and other parts of Oceania would probably quibble with Colin Powell's assertion. That the United States hasn't forcibly taken territory since World War II doesn't mean we haven't done so in the past. That we helped put in place the rules based world order that insists on territorial sovereignty is to our credit but it was born of understanding that unchecked aggression resulted in 100 million deaths in the recently completed world war. Here's hoping someone gets through Trump's woefully thick skull.
The U.S. may not have overtly marched in and taken over a country, but clandestinely the corporate powers that run the country have wormed their way into plenty of other nations. Read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John A. Perkins, a former employee of a private contractor hired by the U.S. government to destabilize the political and economic conditions of many countries, by bribery, coercion, or secret military ops to allow corporations to gain a foothold on the resources of these nations.
National security my rosy red ass. Am I the only one that hears every mention of taking over the canal begins with how Panama overcharges us for using it? The same amount they charge everyone else? Chumptard begins and ends with money, no other considerations, and is a complete assclown when it comes to his notions of how he can push people around, usually for the purpose of lining his and his filthy rich buddies' pockets or building his perceived power, regardless of violating our own laws and the Constitution. And to all my Republican friends and neighbors who voted for him, are you happy now?
The minute we ceded the Canal Zone, right wingers have been all over this issue. In Pennsyltucky, within the Republican hierarchy, there was a concurrent majority that expected Reagan to regain it. In Baghdad By the Sea, we still have a small group waiting to take Cuba. When we snatched Noriega, they thought that was the go signal.
As soon as we were a country we tried to "manifest" our "destiny." John Adams wanted to annex Cuba. Our third VP, Aaron Burr was a "filibuster," with designs on taking his own country. There are lots of other examplles like the Mexican Succession.
Greenland may be the vehicle Trump uses to take on NATO. As president # 45, Trump looked into it We first tried to buy it in 1867 -- Seward. Apparently, master Putin would be the puppetmaster and principal beneficiary. Denmark would have to accept a deal.
Population of only 56,000. The average income in Greenland is $33,000. 85% of income comes from fishing. Around 150 US Air Force and Space Force service members are stationed at Pituffik Space Base in Greenland. The base also has Danish, Canadian, and Greenlandic civilian contractors and military personnel.
Greenland is rich in minerals, including: Rare earth elements: Greenland has the potential to become a major producer of rare earth magnet metals, which are essential for permanent magnets.
Graphite: Greenland has 6 million tons of known natural graphite resources. Lithium: Greenland has 235,000 tons of known lithium resources. Copper: Greenland has 106,000 tons of known copper resources. Other minerals found in Greenland include: coal, gold, silver, lead, zinc, olivine, cryolite, and marble. Greenland has been a mining nation since the late 1700s. The country's minerals are important for the clean energy transition, as they are used in electric vehicles, wind turbines, and transmission lines. However, the extraction and processing of these minerals has been monopolized by states that are not in the US's interests, such as China. Greenland has two operating mines: *Lumina Sustainable Materials: Produces anorthosite *Greenland Ruby: Produces rubies and pink sapphires The extraction of minerals in Greenland poses significant environmental risks, as the ecosystem is fragile and unique, and is already under threat from climate change.
I think the occasional guest essay would be welcome here, tho' I have to say I was a bit disappointed in this first one, not because it isn't very well-written by a clearly stellar legal expert, but because in these current times it seems a bit naive to appeal to Constitutional limits on a President's actions when the current SCOTUS has declared the incoming President to be singularly above the law. The Rule of Law depends upon citizens (including elected officials) being willing to acknowledge and abide by those Laws. We have seen time and time again examples not only of Trump, but of his supporters, flouting the law and getting away with it in broad daylight. Trump and his dark money overlords have ambitions to destroy NATO in order to divide up the world among the three superpowers; the uber wealthy tech lords see opportunities for profit and power, and appear to believe that geopolitical chaos will not effect them because their extreme wealth places them above the fray. They owe allegiance solely to themselves, and certainly not to any Constitution or set of laws. This is a very dangerous combination of factors (and I've only listed a couple). I can only hope that Trump is shit-talking because he gets his jollies from stirring everyone up. He likes to make big messes and then sit back and watch everybody scramble trying to figure out what he's up to; meanwhile he sets another chaotic mess into play, etc, etc, ad nauseam. But I think that is pretty much all he is capable of by himself -- making a series of big messes and threats, and then laughing while everyone is in a tizzy. What really worries me is not Trump, but the overlords. Trump is old, dementing and basically lazy. He is their useful idiot. But we underestimate the power of the overlords at our peril.
Even with the immunity that SCOTUS gave our presidents, it does not include everything they do. There are still limitations on, or the inability to do, certain acts that are forbidden to our presidents still.
Thank you, Harry Litman, for speaking out. I read a post from a Canadian on Threads this morning which claims that DJT is not interested in Panama but that V. Putin IS — because they will not allow Russian ships carrying sanctioned oil through the Canal. Is this true? Can you comment on this more in a future Substack? Thank you.
Constitution? What Constitution? Ohhh, you mean the one the SCOTUS has eviscerated! I take it that you think that’s still being considered valid huh? I’d really like to agree with you but it doesn’t appear that true any longer, or at it certainly won’t be after noon on J20th! Lots of luck trying to hold the incoming administration accountable to that constitution, and if you think they will be, I’ve got a really nice bridge to sell you!
The law will not matter. If Cheeto Christ gets a goddamned parking ticket, he will sue the shit out of everyone and put it in front of the Supreme Court.
Pittuffik Ice Base, formerly Thule Air Force Base, has been located on Greenland since 1943. My father was stationed there in the 1950’s. Why isn’t anyone discussing the systems already in place there? Is 45/7 not even aware there is a US military presence on Greenland? Sure, talk about upgrading what’s there, not overthrowing the territory of Denmark. Diplomatically work in conjunction. Holy hell that man is a train-wreck.
Great guest, great idea. Here, the question that’s immediately begged is, Where’s the money? A stern fiscal hawk, who has promised to trim the budget by a trillion—who pays for the invasion(s)? And what benefits are brought? Answer: Us and none.
Solid commentary except the part about just having conducted a free and fair election. There was interference by several countries and likely manipulation of the vote counts in the swing states.
Let’s not forget that the president elect has implied taking over our neighbors to the north & south: Canada & Mexico. Remember when he wanted to trade Greenland for Puerto Rico? A final thought: what are the implications of one NATO member (USA) attacking another NATO member (Canada or Denmark’s territory Greenland)?
That there is a need for statements such as this contained herein, should scare the holy living heck out of any true American
We’re pretty fucked because the incoming “administration” has no respect for the Constitution nor the rule of law.
That's why we need to try the disqualification tactic. “The upshot is that Donald Trump remains constitutionally disqualified from the presidency and may not lawfully serve in that office or any other unless Congress removes the disqualification by two-thirds majorities of both houses. Nothing in Trump v. Anderson changes that legal reality.”
William Baude and Michael Paulsen, Harvard Law Review, Sweeping Section Three under the Rug: A Comment on Trump v. Anderson
But consider this question: Who is this “we” to which you refer?
I think the Panama/Greenland/Canada idiocy is a cover for something else. They’re dangling a shiny object for the legacy media to latch on to while more dastardly things are being planned. Trump may be as stupid as dried putty, but he’s surrounded himself with sociopathic lick-spittles and sycophants with ulterior motives of their own.
100000% agree. Also, this bluster is giving Russia cover for its unlawful invasion of Ukraine (and more fodder to undermine NATO). Who are we to criticize Russia for expansionist/imperialist actions when we are now making such threats to other sovereign nations. Chump is a dangerous Imbecile.
He is a useful idiot for Putin, imo.
Panama -- Trump had a failed project, is in litigation over taxes.
Greenland -- as I said elsewhere, the true beneficiarry would be Putin.
Yup. Putin needs the shipping lanes when there's no ice in the summer. A few short years from now.
It's also the vehicle to gut NATO.
It's likely he & Musk have bought into an idea perhaps hatched by Putin &/or Xi to partition the world with Russia & China. The US gets the Americas.
"...partition the world with Russia & China. The US gets the Americas."
I hadn't thought of that before, but I would not be surprised.
Watch the birdie
This is it. "Acquiring Greenland for national security purposes" is as foul as Putin's requiring, say, Alaska, for his own security purposes. ( He's already doing this in Ukraine obviously). So Trump wants a land grab and his piece of the pie. Maybe, but I also think that all of this stupidity is smoke and mirrors so that we don't ask questions like what is his plan for Ukraine specifically? Has he changed his projection on his immigration intentions? Where does he stand on education at the moment besides" tear it down"?. These are things he's avoiding with outrageousness like he wouldn't take military action off the table for Panama or renaming the Gulf of Mexico. Disgusting.
I totally believe this is yo desert our attention from something much worse.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
You are writing about the putative actions of an entirely soulless being, a creature obeying only his meanest impulses, and one for whom restraint and forbearance are foreign to his character.
tRump is simply beyond rational appraisal.
Agreed. In my shock at the election results, on Nov 6 I used the description “soulless” about the rotted pumpkin in a text to my brother, and he hasn’t spoken to me since. I stand by the description.
Trump doesn't have a soil. Pure Evil
As a retired military officer of 26 years, I have to bring up the fact that every member of the military takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution and they do annual training to ensure they understand that they will be held liable for following illegal orders. An order to take military action against an ally for the purpose of acquiring land is unconstitutional and is the very definition of an illegal order.
First, I’m so glad I retired three months before Trump took office the first time so I never had to call him my CIC. I would imagine there are a ton of good officers sweating right now trying to figure out how they will respond should Trump try to order military action. This would absolutely destroy our military because there will be officers and enlisted who will refuse to follow orders and others who won’t. It will be a powder keg in the ranks, creating chaos and inability to perform any mission including national defense. It will make us a sitting duck.
Maybe the purpose? Can’t really put anything past trmp and co. Venal bunch with vile purposes. The world is worried as it well should be. There will be rogues running loose in not too many more days now.
Added to the turmoil and utter chaos will be the Jan 6 prisoners out on the streets!
Call it what you wish - complete BEDLAM with Trump & Company cheering! Trump will have a new group of supporters/warriors?
I am sort of surprised I need to say this but I will do so anyway: The people of Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam and other parts of Oceania would probably quibble with Colin Powell's assertion. That the United States hasn't forcibly taken territory since World War II doesn't mean we haven't done so in the past. That we helped put in place the rules based world order that insists on territorial sovereignty is to our credit but it was born of understanding that unchecked aggression resulted in 100 million deaths in the recently completed world war. Here's hoping someone gets through Trump's woefully thick skull.
Not gonna happen. The brain inside said head is mush.
Nailed it!
It seems like the Mushy Mango lacks even a veneer of civility.
The U.S. may not have overtly marched in and taken over a country, but clandestinely the corporate powers that run the country have wormed their way into plenty of other nations. Read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John A. Perkins, a former employee of a private contractor hired by the U.S. government to destabilize the political and economic conditions of many countries, by bribery, coercion, or secret military ops to allow corporations to gain a foothold on the resources of these nations.
National security my rosy red ass. Am I the only one that hears every mention of taking over the canal begins with how Panama overcharges us for using it? The same amount they charge everyone else? Chumptard begins and ends with money, no other considerations, and is a complete assclown when it comes to his notions of how he can push people around, usually for the purpose of lining his and his filthy rich buddies' pockets or building his perceived power, regardless of violating our own laws and the Constitution. And to all my Republican friends and neighbors who voted for him, are you happy now?
The minute we ceded the Canal Zone, right wingers have been all over this issue. In Pennsyltucky, within the Republican hierarchy, there was a concurrent majority that expected Reagan to regain it. In Baghdad By the Sea, we still have a small group waiting to take Cuba. When we snatched Noriega, they thought that was the go signal.
I'm sorry, but the War Powers Act will be useless if Trump declares himself the "unitary executive." Once Trump is inaugurated, he can take over. Dictator on day 1.
As soon as we were a country we tried to "manifest" our "destiny." John Adams wanted to annex Cuba. Our third VP, Aaron Burr was a "filibuster," with designs on taking his own country. There are lots of other examplles like the Mexican Succession.
Greenland may be the vehicle Trump uses to take on NATO. As president # 45, Trump looked into it We first tried to buy it in 1867 -- Seward. Apparently, master Putin would be the puppetmaster and principal beneficiary. Denmark would have to accept a deal.
Population of only 56,000. The average income in Greenland is $33,000. 85% of income comes from fishing. Around 150 US Air Force and Space Force service members are stationed at Pituffik Space Base in Greenland. The base also has Danish, Canadian, and Greenlandic civilian contractors and military personnel.
History of attemps to colonize.'s%20the%20most%20important%20strategic,USGS)%20often%20visit%20the%20island.
Greenland is rich in minerals, including: Rare earth elements: Greenland has the potential to become a major producer of rare earth magnet metals, which are essential for permanent magnets.
Graphite: Greenland has 6 million tons of known natural graphite resources. Lithium: Greenland has 235,000 tons of known lithium resources. Copper: Greenland has 106,000 tons of known copper resources. Other minerals found in Greenland include: coal, gold, silver, lead, zinc, olivine, cryolite, and marble. Greenland has been a mining nation since the late 1700s. The country's minerals are important for the clean energy transition, as they are used in electric vehicles, wind turbines, and transmission lines. However, the extraction and processing of these minerals has been monopolized by states that are not in the US's interests, such as China. Greenland has two operating mines: *Lumina Sustainable Materials: Produces anorthosite *Greenland Ruby: Produces rubies and pink sapphires The extraction of minerals in Greenland poses significant environmental risks, as the ecosystem is fragile and unique, and is already under threat from climate change.
Thanks for your thoughtful and informative response to the guest post. Important stuff here…some of it completely new to me.
I have an annual subscription. Would be happy to read from well-informed sources from this writer. Thank you for your work.
I think the occasional guest essay would be welcome here, tho' I have to say I was a bit disappointed in this first one, not because it isn't very well-written by a clearly stellar legal expert, but because in these current times it seems a bit naive to appeal to Constitutional limits on a President's actions when the current SCOTUS has declared the incoming President to be singularly above the law. The Rule of Law depends upon citizens (including elected officials) being willing to acknowledge and abide by those Laws. We have seen time and time again examples not only of Trump, but of his supporters, flouting the law and getting away with it in broad daylight. Trump and his dark money overlords have ambitions to destroy NATO in order to divide up the world among the three superpowers; the uber wealthy tech lords see opportunities for profit and power, and appear to believe that geopolitical chaos will not effect them because their extreme wealth places them above the fray. They owe allegiance solely to themselves, and certainly not to any Constitution or set of laws. This is a very dangerous combination of factors (and I've only listed a couple). I can only hope that Trump is shit-talking because he gets his jollies from stirring everyone up. He likes to make big messes and then sit back and watch everybody scramble trying to figure out what he's up to; meanwhile he sets another chaotic mess into play, etc, etc, ad nauseam. But I think that is pretty much all he is capable of by himself -- making a series of big messes and threats, and then laughing while everyone is in a tizzy. What really worries me is not Trump, but the overlords. Trump is old, dementing and basically lazy. He is their useful idiot. But we underestimate the power of the overlords at our peril.
Even with the immunity that SCOTUS gave our presidents, it does not include everything they do. There are still limitations on, or the inability to do, certain acts that are forbidden to our presidents still.
Thank you, Harry Litman, for speaking out. I read a post from a Canadian on Threads this morning which claims that DJT is not interested in Panama but that V. Putin IS — because they will not allow Russian ships carrying sanctioned oil through the Canal. Is this true? Can you comment on this more in a future Substack? Thank you.
Constitution? What Constitution? Ohhh, you mean the one the SCOTUS has eviscerated! I take it that you think that’s still being considered valid huh? I’d really like to agree with you but it doesn’t appear that true any longer, or at it certainly won’t be after noon on J20th! Lots of luck trying to hold the incoming administration accountable to that constitution, and if you think they will be, I’ve got a really nice bridge to sell you!
The law will not matter. If Cheeto Christ gets a goddamned parking ticket, he will sue the shit out of everyone and put it in front of the Supreme Court.
Is there no hope? OMG 😲 😱
Pittuffik Ice Base, formerly Thule Air Force Base, has been located on Greenland since 1943. My father was stationed there in the 1950’s. Why isn’t anyone discussing the systems already in place there? Is 45/7 not even aware there is a US military presence on Greenland? Sure, talk about upgrading what’s there, not overthrowing the territory of Denmark. Diplomatically work in conjunction. Holy hell that man is a train-wreck.
Makes me sick! Thanks Harry, for all you do! 💙🇺🇲🗽💪
Great guest, great idea. Here, the question that’s immediately begged is, Where’s the money? A stern fiscal hawk, who has promised to trim the budget by a trillion—who pays for the invasion(s)? And what benefits are brought? Answer: Us and none.
My thoughts exactly.
Solid commentary except the part about just having conducted a free and fair election. There was interference by several countries and likely manipulation of the vote counts in the swing states.
Let’s not forget that the president elect has implied taking over our neighbors to the north & south: Canada & Mexico. Remember when he wanted to trade Greenland for Puerto Rico? A final thought: what are the implications of one NATO member (USA) attacking another NATO member (Canada or Denmark’s territory Greenland)?