Yes, this is a massive scandal. Let's not forget, however, the USAID workers who were abandoned in Africa and in danger of being killed because Musk with one swipe of a key wiped out the USAID. Because no more food and medical aid was forthcoming, the people turned against the workers whom Musk labeled as Communists. There was no provision for getting the USAID workers out of the country. Once they made it to the US, they had no home, all their possessions were left behind, they had no job, and they had no income. So much for Musk's intelligence. We are seeing a case of the halo effect--people assume that because a person is adept in one area, that person must be a genius in all areas. This is one dumb idiot who has no idea about problem solving, exploring the problem and choosing the most judicious solution. Oh, and THE MEDIA IS NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT IT ALTHOUGH THESE WORKERS ARE TESTIFYING IN COURT ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE.

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Although Trump and Musk are clearly the direct instigators of the destruction of the nation over the past month, given the obvious derangement of both and in Trump's case, senility, I personally hold the Republicans in the Senate and the corporate media completely responsible for all of this.

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As they have been for many years. 1939 comes to mind, if you know what I mean.

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You always were my hero!

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The presidential oath includes "to the best of my ability". Based on that Trump cannot violate his oath. So I agree that the people who put him in power and use him as a useful fool that can dispense pardons are to blame. When will the people understand that Trump was sent by God as the negative example that wants to move us in the opposite direction?


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[Perhaps somewhat off topic, it seems plausible the real architect of all this simple chaos just might be Putin. Notice the puppets dancing ever faster, especially as they abandone Ukraine in service to the master string puller. Faster possibly because he (Putin) sees the dueling doofus duo imploding on the world stage.]

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Musk is a terrorist, and these people are fearful of speaking up!

This is criminal to treat humans in this manner! Musk/Trump should not get away with it!

And this is America?

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no it's not America, we don't know what is.

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If we stay focussed, we will find out. Perhaps put it back where it belongs.

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Musk is risking his citizenship papers, if convicted for what he is doing.

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Elmo never was the "Chief Engineer" of anything. He is a takeover artist, who was funded by his dodgy family's dodgy fortune in dodgy Blood Diamonds and dodgier Conflict Gems who got them through their support of the White Supremacist Afrikaner government's dodgy African wars. His only skill was buying companies from the original creative geniuses who did know what they were doing, then forcing them out so he could claim the credit. He's been a fraud all his life - stuff like what we see now doesn't just pop up when he's out of his depth once. Dilbert and Maladministration II are a character test. As an old friend said, "a character test is to see if you have one." Dilbert never had one, and since birds of a feather do indeed flock together, he has attracted all the other empty shells that never had any content in them. Elmo is merely demonstrating to us what he has been since birth.

(a note: I use the term "Dilbert" to describe the White House occupant the way it is used in the Navy: to describe real serious stupidity.)

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FUBAR more than adequately describes the Elno/DOGE reign of terror.

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we see what you did there...

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“DOGE” EGOD, reversed … (The pathetic, megalomaniacal frat boy truly believes he us one, or is the one … tragic fir us all.)

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musk is a sociopath with zero critical thinking.

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Elmo IS NOT autistic, and only people who have no damn clue what they are talking about would say what you have. He is not on the spectrum of anything. He claims to "have Asperger's" so he can excuse the fact that all he is is an Asshole. No Aspergian wants to be an asshole, like he does. He's just a worthless fuckup.

I do know what I am talking about since I do have Asperger's.

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Please please stop talking about his supposed autism. There is no evidence of him being diagnosed by a qualified medical professional. And even if he was, how does that excuse his behavior? As the parent of a child with autism and someone who worked in the field for a number of years, aside from no evidence he has it, excusing his psychopathic behavior on it is degrading to people who actually are autistic.

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Even if he is on the spectrum (which I wonder about) he has a serious problem with ketamine abuse. It’s why he barely sleeps.

The crash will be epic.

I feel like Mme. DeFarge, sitting with her knitting, waiting.

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Not to mention that there is a human element here and what is being done to the citizens of this country and the rest of the world. We are the least dependable country on the planet right now.

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Mr. Litman: a stunning and marvelous summation. Thank you. Ralph Wilhelm

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OK, Jamie Raskin and other Democrats, if you do not grab onto this scandal and run with it and not let go, then there is no redemption for the Democrats. This is the perfect storm to pound Musk and Trump, Bondi and Bove, and all the other people who cry "weaponization" but are the ones carrying out the weaponization.

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Agree! Trump's bogus rant about Biden weaponizing the government is classic Trump foreshadowing his playbook.

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every single accusation that MAGA bunch ever makes is always an admission

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The governor of ny has the power and needs to oust Adam’s as NyC mayor.

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I believe she wants to let the public watch this play out. Let's hope Harry is correct about the public being able to understand the significance of this big mess caused by Trump's incompetent thugs.

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She shouldn't want to remove her own side's isolated pawn from the board just when it may be in a useful position for taking down an opposing rook.

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Agreed. The wisest move is to see what happens in Judge Ho's court. If for some inexplicable and out of character reason Adams isn't held to justice, THEN the Gov. can oust him

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We can fight back, Harry. Hit’em where it hurts. Run this up the flag pole. It impacts every single Federal bid that Musk currently has in progress, and also every potential bid. Federal court judges will decide on this insider information issue, not Executive Branch employees. No more Federal contracts for Musk. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/musk-stains-future-federal-contract

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That works right up until Shitler tells Cheeto Jesuz to just ignore the courts and do what they want...

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Thanks, Harry. These prosecutors are real patriots, So grateful for their service. I hope justice will prevail.

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It might be remembered that Bove, as Trump’s lawyer, overburdened the court with delays and ill-written (frivolous) motions … but never, to my recollection anyway, disputed the facts of the case. And here we are again—big hot air, no logic or laws behind it.

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I can't wait to see what the ABA and the NY Bar have to say about Bove's letter to Sassoon. The letter says that the decision to dismiss the charges has nothing to do with the facts nor the law. My question as a non-lawyer is well, what else is there? Weaponization?

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NY Bar and the DC Bar need to step up and initiate Disciplinary Investigations against Bove. Law School Professors need to speak out and join protests, organize school walk outs, marches. If not NOW, when?

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Can whatever state(s) that hold(s) his credentials disbar him? I'd really like to see those bars start proceedings now.

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Loyalty, pure and simple. Terrifying.

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Bove is just an apparatchik and not a smart one (or good looking one at that).

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He looks like Roy Cohn….

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Looks like a desiccated skeleton.

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These attorneys studied the law because they believe in justice and democracy, not to push a particular ideology. What an inspiration!

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Watch "Crockett SHUTS UP Marjorie Greene In Front Of Congress!", on YouTube......


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I love Jasmine

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Me too! She is smart and awesome, and speaks out TRUTH TO POWER!!!

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The consequences of Republicans confirming Trump's unqualified and compromised nominees are becoming clear. Not only AG Bondi, also Hegseth, Kennedy, and others. Pathetic bowing down to Dear Leader out of fear of being primaried or worse.

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I think we need to point out to the republican senators that they need to recognize that they may get primaried by frumpians next election but they will certainly be challenged by democrats who side with the people and will do a better job. Unless they step up their game and do the right thing immediately.

They have nothing to lose by doing the right thing, and maybe keep their jobs if they do the responsible thing and support the Constitution instead of a felon and his nasty gang.

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Evidently the Repubbies are all afraid that Donny will fall into a huge "tantrump", yell viciously at them, throw catsup and goodness knows what else and....do what? I don't understand whyy they are so frikking afraid of him. Yes, he can have Phony Stark pay to have them primaried...but that would be in the future, and might never happen. Why are they so effing spineless???

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I think the reason why Trump has not pardoned Adams is that would take away the leverage of a reinstatement of the prosecution which he wants dismissed without prejudice. As things stand now Adams is in Trump‘s pocket. That would not be the case if he was pardoned.

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And I have no doubt that that threat to reinstate the charges will last the rest of Eric's corrupt life.

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Stalin had a similar style but he killed his cabinet members. Luckily Trump isn’t there yet?

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That would not be so bad now….

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Yeah just republicans though.

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Oh no?

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Thank you for this excellent explanation. This is truly outrageous. Sadly, I do not feel it’s enough to wake up the nation. It’s a start. I hope this entire escapade doesn’t just get squashed like a bug & that good will out for the hope of America.

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Watch "Trumps Voters GET DESTROYED by his DISASTROUS ORDERS", on YouTube......


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