The majority in the house and senate are absolutely complicit and will do nothing other than what Trump/Musk tell them to do. They are all for the autocracy/kakistocracy/oligarchy/theocracy amalgam because they mistakenly believe that they will be a part of the new power structure.
Not only Republicans. John Fetterman and any other Dem who voted for a single one of his nominees is also complicit. Our work is cut out for us, but Fetterman, especially, needs to be primaries. The DNC should start now raising money and preparing replacements for these traitors.
Fetterman has 5 more years. It is not uncommon, depending on the location in the brain that the Stroke manifests, that survivors can have a total personality change. That is as much charity as I can spare Fetterman. Trump and the republicans made fun of him, denigrated him and laughed about brain damage and yet, here is is trying to be one of them.
Hearing Fetterman talk about how "Kind" Trump was to him was nauseating. Of course he was, he wants something from you. And narcissists ARE charming in the way that a snake is beautiful.
Unfortunately members of Congress, being Federal officers, are not subject to recall. Nor can they be impeached for the same reason. The only way the people of PA will be rid of him is for him to lose his next election.
We have a window of opportunity to flip some Republican House members. We need to pressure the 20 or so Repubblican House members that Hakeem Jeffries has identified as vulnerable. We have three (3) where I live. Only takes 2 to flip the House.
The 3 Batistiano House MAGATS here represent a Dem majority but are very sympathetic to the Cubans and Venezuelans here on cancelled humantarian visas. 2 of 3 had been Dems.
I posted the letter from my rep to the Trump administration asking "no mas."
All of those visas were sponsored. I don't know this as a fact, but I expect there are over a million, and most sponsors are in Baghdad By the Sea and were also supporters of the 3 amigos.
Mini me's destruction of USAID is a prerunner footprint for their plans to destroy every other department. They envision wholesale govt destruction leaving oligarchs and their king(s) in charge globally.
What insanity is this I’m hearing, pushing Bible study in school? Separation of church and state , it’s in our constitution!!!! Whose Bible? The felon’s Bible?
It’s in the first amendment, it has 2 separate sections. The government can’t control , or force religion on any individual. In public schools, we stay away from prayer , if a student chooses to pray or start their day with a prayer, it’s their choice but we can’t choose for them.
The arrogance of those who would inject prayer back into the schools is that they don't recognize or acknowledge the harm it does to dictate to children from a very young age and reinforce it constantly that there is an established "god" and a "right" way to interact with it.
I have experience with this. Before prayer in schools was ended, as a child in elementary school, we would start the day off with the Pledge and the Lord’s Prayer. Never mind there were Jewish kids in the class (me among them), everyone was required to recite both. Yes, I know that there’s SCOTUS case law about not forcing the recitation of the Pledge (West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette 1943) but that wouldn’t have mattered in the ass pimple where I went to school.
To this day, I can still recite the Lord’s Prayer.
I’m sorry you feel this way Chuck!! But all these years people have had the freedom to practice their own religion and our first amendment is not a joke, it’s real and legal. The government cannot force you to practice another person’s religion and the government cannot create a religion. Schools ( public) are for learning academics, sports for physical activity and knowledge. Religion is for churches, mosques, temples, but not to be forced on students in school. Parochial schools are allowed to have religious practices for a particular religion. There are so many versions of bibles, and Ten Commandments. F47 doesn’t practice any religion! He is not God, he is a felon a convicted felon and charlatan who won over Republicans with his racist ideas and is unfit to command or be in this office. He is a domestic enemy of this country!!!!!!!
His not touching the Bible while pretending to take the Oath shows he has some level of respect (or superstition) for the ritual. It was his way of crossing his fingers behind his back. No question that he does not consider himself bound by it.
Can you please direct me to the part of the Constitution where separation of church and state is mentioned ? I looked and cannot seem to find that. Thanks
It's true that the phrase "separation of church and state" is not specifically in the text of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. It refers to the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from establishing a state religion, including requiring that anyone subscribe to a religion at all. When the foundation of someone's view of our rights defaults to what a god decrees, or what's "Christian" or fundamental to any other religious belief, it's in violation of the Constitution. But I expect you know that.
I think they're afraid of more threats than being primaried. After they refused to convict Trump on the second impeachment, Mitt Romney reported that others wanted to convict, but feared for their families. The is mob intimidation. They should step down if they can't stand up.
What MAGA forgets is that they will not always be in power, and the next administration can just as easily rescind all of these. My biggest fear, however, is that Trump will invoke martial law in 2029 to delay or refuse to give up power. It is dumbfounding that the party that has prided itself on patriotism and rule-of-law has implemented the dictator's handbook and is systematically tearing down everything that has made the American experiment exceptional. I don't think we will ever recover from this. The Rubicon cannot be un-crossed. Once the poison is baked into the system, it is unlikely it can ever be removed.
They don't intend to be out of power, hence all the efforts at vote suppression; undermining faith in elections, the justice system, the apparatus of government; extreme gerrymandering; cleaning out any one in government who doesn't demonstrate sufficient personal loyalty; and the brazen, incessant, hyperbolic lies. Beyond that, the Project 2025-defined strategy of consolidating power in the person of the president and reducing the other 2 branches to compliant vestiges of formerly equal parts is proceeding at a rapid pace.
Thank you for robbing me of my remaining hope. LOL. Sorry, I should not joke about such dark matters but if I don't I will lose it. Yes, I know you are correct. I am doing my best to hold onto the last shreds of hope that our institutions might be able to hold, though deep down I believe they have already crumbled and we are functionally already in a dictatorship.
trump’s days are numbered. If he makes it through the next 2 years without a stroke, heart attack, or assassination, it will be a miracle. Flip both House & Senate in 2026!
The way things are going, MAGA will always be in power. If by "the next administration," you're hoping for the Blues to be voted in, that's magical thinking. The Blues -- Biden especially -- paved the way for Trump to win the election. Even when Trump dies, his thugs will be around.
Incisive! Perhaps a better strategy would be NOT to immediately react to every infinite blast of lies and confusing orders but to drill down to the core ones and prepare legal actions.
Regrettably, as a Texas resident, my Senators are Cruz and Cornyn, both actively violating their respective Oaths to trash our Constitution. But I'm so proud of my representative Al Green, who has initiated impeachment proceedings.
I was wondering why Dems hadn't initiated impeachment proceedings....I realize it won't pass, but it needed to be done and in the records. He is totally liable for allowing Musk to hire 'unknowns' to have access to 'top secret' and 'Protected' info.
Excellent letter Lindsey!!!! You covered it well. I think you should send it to Hakeem Jeffries as well. I'm afraid the ones you've sent it to will totally ignore it. I would also publish it in your local newspaper!!
Not while we have the roadblock of polarization. What the Constitution prescribes and what's possible to achieve are 2 different things. 67 Senators to convict and remove when one side won't even allow any criticism is a dream.
But if The Boys conveniently ignore laws, how is a court going to stop them? Apparently, the Imperial President is sheltered from not just upholding the Constitution but obeying it … and all other natural logic.
Exactly! The courts have no enforcement mechanism. And Congress won't enforce it because the GOP is drunk on power. We are quickly reaching a point where there is but one option left.
I've always found it charming, in kind of a tragic, horrifying way, that so many people believe that the American system of governance will automatically correct itself, that the rule of law will forever be sustained, that, to quote a cliché, "it could never happen here."
I've never understood this mentality. Human beings are human beings. They are subject to the same foibles and depredations as anyone else. If "it" can happen elsewhere, then of course "it" can also happen here.
Neither have I. Even now the majority of even Dems do not, or cannot, admit that what is happening is, in fact, happening. The worst-case-scenario that we all learned about in civis and social studies classes - the very things America prides itself for standing against - IS HAPPENING. In real time. My fear is that it may already be too late. We may effectively be a dictatorship already. It seems most folks, even experts, want to wait until January 20, 2029 to find out if Trump plans to relinquish power. It is way beyond too late then. My prediction is, he will not. If we lose the mid-terms, we will never win another election because there will not be another legit election.
We might not even have the midterms. Remember when Trump said, "Vote for me and you'll never have to vote again"? He might not have been talking about only presidential elections.
We have to shore up voting rights the GOP all in with Trump although they know he will be unpopular so the only chance to hold onto to power is to cheat they are not there to legislate or help anyone they understand that everything gong on is illegal
"If the position held water, children of undocumented immigrants would have no responsibility to pay taxes, obtain driver’s licenses, or conform to the dictates of criminal law."
This is the new illogical logic embraced by not just this administration, but MAGA. Setting fire to your own house is what they do best.
Boy, there it is, nice & simple: "Congress passes the laws; the president executes the laws; the judiciary interprets the laws." Whereas with this administration we refer again to Steve Bannon; it's all about "...muzzle velocity"; blast everything out as fast as possible.
Since nearly all of this lacks coherent thought and is literally devoid of planning, each action will be filled with holes, e.g. sending Retire Early letters to ATC controllers or the notion that Panama doesn't need an operating budget for the canal and can suddenly become a selective charity. (The clueless notion of grabbing Gaza will explode into a political fireball all its own; that won't need any help.) Fantastically delusional.
So we pick ourselves up from the mental explosion of the first 2 weeks and get organized to fight this onslaught. Since the coherent thought seems to be on our side, we need teams just capturing each conceptually bankrupt idea and then specialists applying the recourse.
This is absolutely a war on democracy; I turn 70 this year and I've seen nothing even remotely like it. The Richard Nixon episode is static level in comparison.
Republicans (and at times, a few Democrats) are worse than complicit with what Trump/Musk are doing. They're actively or passively enabling it, throwing OUR Constitution out the window with both hands. They think they can leverage the resulting chaos to secure their own power (and safety). They are wrong and will come to regret their betrayal.
Is this how the Jews felt in 1939 Germany and Poland? Confused. Scared. Not knowing what comes next. We naively grasp the rule of law to save us. But the rulers have no laws.
It is sad to be watching from the sidelines in New Zealand to see your once great nation devolving into a kakistocracy - a government by the least competent and most corrupt.
Thank you. Says it ALL. And will only get worse until...what? The "what ?"is a good question. But there will be a "what" and it is not likely to be peaceful or pretty.America of 240 years has been carpet bombed. The system is undergoing demolition and we are staring in shock and paralysis like bystanders at a demolition site.
Switchboard phone number at the Capitol is 202 224-3121....give the name of your Senator or Rep and they will transfer you! I've contacted both my Senators
These Substacks are good BUT long and drawn out, can see their written by a lawyer, I like to share on many of my media outlet and just realized. I bet many who receive this NEVER reads the whole thing. You have to remember the short attention span of our current and trump current supporters. Thus your view and points are lost and discarded as ramblings. Maybe to reach and be effective it needs to follow KISS - Keep It Simple, Sam!
How can one simplify the tallying of votes in 50 states with disparate ways of counting votes for someone who looks at normal voting procedures they were ignorant of to the point where yelling "Stop the Steal" made sense to them because they would rather be told what they should be thinking than think for themselves?
There are times when you have to work at increasing your personal cache of knowledge. Everything cannot be dumbed down enough for the maga crowd because they don't listen to logic. They listen to emotion.
I suggest you read newsletters more to your liking. This may not be for you, but I find it invaluable in deciphering legal implications of this shitstorm.
The majority in the house and senate are absolutely complicit and will do nothing other than what Trump/Musk tell them to do. They are all for the autocracy/kakistocracy/oligarchy/theocracy amalgam because they mistakenly believe that they will be a part of the new power structure.
Not only Republicans. John Fetterman and any other Dem who voted for a single one of his nominees is also complicit. Our work is cut out for us, but Fetterman, especially, needs to be primaries. The DNC should start now raising money and preparing replacements for these traitors.
Fetterman has 5 more years. It is not uncommon, depending on the location in the brain that the Stroke manifests, that survivors can have a total personality change. That is as much charity as I can spare Fetterman. Trump and the republicans made fun of him, denigrated him and laughed about brain damage and yet, here is is trying to be one of them.
Hearing Fetterman talk about how "Kind" Trump was to him was nauseating. Of course he was, he wants something from you. And narcissists ARE charming in the way that a snake is beautiful.
Well said! 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
Unfortunately members of Congress, being Federal officers, are not subject to recall. Nor can they be impeached for the same reason. The only way the people of PA will be rid of him is for him to lose his next election.
Yep. Don't tell me we can't do better here in PA!
We have a window of opportunity to flip some Republican House members. We need to pressure the 20 or so Repubblican House members that Hakeem Jeffries has identified as vulnerable. We have three (3) where I live. Only takes 2 to flip the House.
The 3 Batistiano House MAGATS here represent a Dem majority but are very sympathetic to the Cubans and Venezuelans here on cancelled humantarian visas. 2 of 3 had been Dems.
I posted the letter from my rep to the Trump administration asking "no mas."
All of those visas were sponsored. I don't know this as a fact, but I expect there are over a million, and most sponsors are in Baghdad By the Sea and were also supporters of the 3 amigos.
Meanwhile we have an ongoing litigation strategy.
Can you post names so that they can be contacted?
Miami Republican House members.
Mario Díaz-Balart, Republican, Florida's 25th congressional district (2003–present)
Carlos A. Giménez, Republican, Florida's 26th congressional district (2021–present)
Maria Elvira Salazar, Republican, Florida's 27th congressional district (2021–present)
Diaz Balart's brother Jose is a taking head on MSNBC
Gimenez was a Democratic elected mayor and supported HRC in 2016. Born in Cuba.
The following also have Cuban connections.
Nicole Malliotakis, Republican, New York's 11th congressional district (2021–present)
Alex Mooney, Republican, West Virginia's 2nd congressional district (2015–present)
Spineless Emasculated Cowards - SEC for short.
THEY ARE ALL AFRAID Trumplestiltskin will torpedo them in the primaries if they DARE oppose ORANGE HITLER.
Mini me's destruction of USAID is a prerunner footprint for their plans to destroy every other department. They envision wholesale govt destruction leaving oligarchs and their king(s) in charge globally.
Hard to tell who is "me" and who is the "mini".
Light dawneth.
Musk did. 280 mil $ to get Trump elected.
Money talks, BS walks.
What insanity is this I’m hearing, pushing Bible study in school? Separation of church and state , it’s in our constitution!!!! Whose Bible? The felon’s Bible?
Presumably the same Bible Trump refused to touch when he pretended to take the Oath of Office.
Maybe if he did, God would lightning bolt the son of a bitch!
God didn't care that the son of a bitch was elected.
Well if you care, what steps are you taking to resist F47?
Too numerous to list here. What I am not doing is sitting back and hoping some god will step in.
He did refuse. I saw the video. Probably afraid he'd burst into flames.
Better than crossing his fingers behind his back!
It’s in the first amendment, it has 2 separate sections. The government can’t control , or force religion on any individual. In public schools, we stay away from prayer , if a student chooses to pray or start their day with a prayer, it’s their choice but we can’t choose for them.
The arrogance of those who would inject prayer back into the schools is that they don't recognize or acknowledge the harm it does to dictate to children from a very young age and reinforce it constantly that there is an established "god" and a "right" way to interact with it.
[Raises hand]
I have experience with this. Before prayer in schools was ended, as a child in elementary school, we would start the day off with the Pledge and the Lord’s Prayer. Never mind there were Jewish kids in the class (me among them), everyone was required to recite both. Yes, I know that there’s SCOTUS case law about not forcing the recitation of the Pledge (West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette 1943) but that wouldn’t have mattered in the ass pimple where I went to school.
To this day, I can still recite the Lord’s Prayer.
Funnyu how people srtruggling to pay for prescription drugs and the rent on their trailer house throw money at him.
No separation of church and state, the money-making mega-churches need to start paying their damn taxes!
the bible he did not put his hand on swearing on the bible..... separation of church and state is a joke in this country......
I’m sorry you feel this way Chuck!! But all these years people have had the freedom to practice their own religion and our first amendment is not a joke, it’s real and legal. The government cannot force you to practice another person’s religion and the government cannot create a religion. Schools ( public) are for learning academics, sports for physical activity and knowledge. Religion is for churches, mosques, temples, but not to be forced on students in school. Parochial schools are allowed to have religious practices for a particular religion. There are so many versions of bibles, and Ten Commandments. F47 doesn’t practice any religion! He is not God, he is a felon a convicted felon and charlatan who won over Republicans with his racist ideas and is unfit to command or be in this office. He is a domestic enemy of this country!!!!!!!
His not touching the Bible while pretending to take the Oath shows he has some level of respect (or superstition) for the ritual. It was his way of crossing his fingers behind his back. No question that he does not consider himself bound by it.
Can you please direct me to the part of the Constitution where separation of church and state is mentioned ? I looked and cannot seem to find that. Thanks
It's true that the phrase "separation of church and state" is not specifically in the text of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. It refers to the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from establishing a state religion, including requiring that anyone subscribe to a religion at all. When the foundation of someone's view of our rights defaults to what a god decrees, or what's "Christian" or fundamental to any other religious belief, it's in violation of the Constitution. But I expect you know that.
It’s a matter of interpretation, that we separate religion from government or as we said, separation of church and state.
First amendment.
Google it!
When will Repugnantans grow a frigging spine or even a few vertebrae? It is mind-boggling and frightening!
Why should they "grow a . . . spine?" They got exactly what they wanted.
Don't hold your breath. They want to keep their jobs. It's that simple.
I think they're afraid of more threats than being primaried. After they refused to convict Trump on the second impeachment, Mitt Romney reported that others wanted to convict, but feared for their families. The is mob intimidation. They should step down if they can't stand up.
What MAGA forgets is that they will not always be in power, and the next administration can just as easily rescind all of these. My biggest fear, however, is that Trump will invoke martial law in 2029 to delay or refuse to give up power. It is dumbfounding that the party that has prided itself on patriotism and rule-of-law has implemented the dictator's handbook and is systematically tearing down everything that has made the American experiment exceptional. I don't think we will ever recover from this. The Rubicon cannot be un-crossed. Once the poison is baked into the system, it is unlikely it can ever be removed.
They don't intend to be out of power, hence all the efforts at vote suppression; undermining faith in elections, the justice system, the apparatus of government; extreme gerrymandering; cleaning out any one in government who doesn't demonstrate sufficient personal loyalty; and the brazen, incessant, hyperbolic lies. Beyond that, the Project 2025-defined strategy of consolidating power in the person of the president and reducing the other 2 branches to compliant vestiges of formerly equal parts is proceeding at a rapid pace.
Thank you for robbing me of my remaining hope. LOL. Sorry, I should not joke about such dark matters but if I don't I will lose it. Yes, I know you are correct. I am doing my best to hold onto the last shreds of hope that our institutions might be able to hold, though deep down I believe they have already crumbled and we are functionally already in a dictatorship.
trump’s days are numbered. If he makes it through the next 2 years without a stroke, heart attack, or assassination, it will be a miracle. Flip both House & Senate in 2026!
The way things are going, MAGA will always be in power. If by "the next administration," you're hoping for the Blues to be voted in, that's magical thinking. The Blues -- Biden especially -- paved the way for Trump to win the election. Even when Trump dies, his thugs will be around.
Incisive! Perhaps a better strategy would be NOT to immediately react to every infinite blast of lies and confusing orders but to drill down to the core ones and prepare legal actions.
Where are the damn Articles of Impeachment?
Regrettably, as a Texas resident, my Senators are Cruz and Cornyn, both actively violating their respective Oaths to trash our Constitution. But I'm so proud of my representative Al Green, who has initiated impeachment proceedings.
I was wondering why Dems hadn't initiated impeachment proceedings....I realize it won't pass, but it needed to be done and in the records. He is totally liable for allowing Musk to hire 'unknowns' to have access to 'top secret' and 'Protected' info.
Democrats no longer control the House and no Republicans will vote for impeachment.
Articles of impeachment have been filed.
My open letter to my senators and representative.
Excellent letter Lindsey!!!! You covered it well. I think you should send it to Hakeem Jeffries as well. I'm afraid the ones you've sent it to will totally ignore it. I would also publish it in your local newspaper!!
I live in Arkansas and Tom Cotton is my senator. I just want to pull my hair out !!
Cotton is a real po💩! And Hawley, Cruz! Grassley! WTH!
I know.. 😡😡
My condolences.
A Congressman from Texas has filed articles of impeachment.
He does the same thing every session.
I know. Someday it'll stick.
Not in my lifetime. Even if impeachment was passed in the House, the hurdle in the Senate is impossible.
Al Green is MY representative! So proud of him!
Impeachment in the age of polarization is a dead end.
Still viable while we have our Constitution.
Not while we have the roadblock of polarization. What the Constitution prescribes and what's possible to achieve are 2 different things. 67 Senators to convict and remove when one side won't even allow any criticism is a dream.
But if The Boys conveniently ignore laws, how is a court going to stop them? Apparently, the Imperial President is sheltered from not just upholding the Constitution but obeying it … and all other natural logic.
As legal historian Rick Hasen has warned repeatedly:
"The law is only as powerful as people's willingness to abide by it."
The law is powerless until the powerless speak out.
Exactly! The courts have no enforcement mechanism. And Congress won't enforce it because the GOP is drunk on power. We are quickly reaching a point where there is but one option left.
I've always found it charming, in kind of a tragic, horrifying way, that so many people believe that the American system of governance will automatically correct itself, that the rule of law will forever be sustained, that, to quote a cliché, "it could never happen here."
I've never understood this mentality. Human beings are human beings. They are subject to the same foibles and depredations as anyone else. If "it" can happen elsewhere, then of course "it" can also happen here.
Neither have I. Even now the majority of even Dems do not, or cannot, admit that what is happening is, in fact, happening. The worst-case-scenario that we all learned about in civis and social studies classes - the very things America prides itself for standing against - IS HAPPENING. In real time. My fear is that it may already be too late. We may effectively be a dictatorship already. It seems most folks, even experts, want to wait until January 20, 2029 to find out if Trump plans to relinquish power. It is way beyond too late then. My prediction is, he will not. If we lose the mid-terms, we will never win another election because there will not be another legit election.
We might not even have the midterms. Remember when Trump said, "Vote for me and you'll never have to vote again"? He might not have been talking about only presidential elections.
trump could be dead by then!
CALl senators! Daily!
We can only hope. He's earned that honor.
I saw a comment somewhere about sending “balls” to all the maga republicans plus others
Wouldn’t that be something
I would make sure I wrote something on the balls.
Yes and someone needs to do that option
And with Felon musk also
The courts do indeed have enforcement of judgements.
We have to shore up voting rights the GOP all in with Trump although they know he will be unpopular so the only chance to hold onto to power is to cheat they are not there to legislate or help anyone they understand that everything gong on is illegal
"If the position held water, children of undocumented immigrants would have no responsibility to pay taxes, obtain driver’s licenses, or conform to the dictates of criminal law."
This is the new illogical logic embraced by not just this administration, but MAGA. Setting fire to your own house is what they do best.
I'll say.
Take care, Harry, Esq.
Boy, there it is, nice & simple: "Congress passes the laws; the president executes the laws; the judiciary interprets the laws." Whereas with this administration we refer again to Steve Bannon; it's all about "...muzzle velocity"; blast everything out as fast as possible.
Since nearly all of this lacks coherent thought and is literally devoid of planning, each action will be filled with holes, e.g. sending Retire Early letters to ATC controllers or the notion that Panama doesn't need an operating budget for the canal and can suddenly become a selective charity. (The clueless notion of grabbing Gaza will explode into a political fireball all its own; that won't need any help.) Fantastically delusional.
So we pick ourselves up from the mental explosion of the first 2 weeks and get organized to fight this onslaught. Since the coherent thought seems to be on our side, we need teams just capturing each conceptually bankrupt idea and then specialists applying the recourse.
This is absolutely a war on democracy; I turn 70 this year and I've seen nothing even remotely like it. The Richard Nixon episode is static level in comparison.
Ronnie Raygun might become somewhat sane if this shit gets worse. When it gets worse.
Republicans (and at times, a few Democrats) are worse than complicit with what Trump/Musk are doing. They're actively or passively enabling it, throwing OUR Constitution out the window with both hands. They think they can leverage the resulting chaos to secure their own power (and safety). They are wrong and will come to regret their betrayal.
Regret??? Surely you jest.
Is this how the Jews felt in 1939 Germany and Poland? Confused. Scared. Not knowing what comes next. We naively grasp the rule of law to save us. But the rulers have no laws.
We are living in a coup.
We fight or democracy dies.
It is sad to be watching from the sidelines in New Zealand to see your once great nation devolving into a kakistocracy - a government by the least competent and most corrupt.
Musks status is not a legal mystery
He is illegal
Period stop
Someone need to do something about Musk
Not federally, because trump can pardon him.
Someone need to do something about this felon
This ego maniac
Right now!
Thank you, I have the whatever flu, thought you should see this
Thank you. Says it ALL. And will only get worse until...what? The "what ?"is a good question. But there will be a "what" and it is not likely to be peaceful or pretty.America of 240 years has been carpet bombed. The system is undergoing demolition and we are staring in shock and paralysis like bystanders at a demolition site.
Call your senators. About the whole effing mess that is Trump n his cabal of miscreants. Cabinet n the treasonous bastards in Congress.
Switchboard phone number at the Capitol is 202 224-3121....give the name of your Senator or Rep and they will transfer you! I've contacted both my Senators
These Substacks are good BUT long and drawn out, can see their written by a lawyer, I like to share on many of my media outlet and just realized. I bet many who receive this NEVER reads the whole thing. You have to remember the short attention span of our current and trump current supporters. Thus your view and points are lost and discarded as ramblings. Maybe to reach and be effective it needs to follow KISS - Keep It Simple, Sam!
Just a thought.
How can one simplify the tallying of votes in 50 states with disparate ways of counting votes for someone who looks at normal voting procedures they were ignorant of to the point where yelling "Stop the Steal" made sense to them because they would rather be told what they should be thinking than think for themselves?
There are times when you have to work at increasing your personal cache of knowledge. Everything cannot be dumbed down enough for the maga crowd because they don't listen to logic. They listen to emotion.
I suggest you read newsletters more to your liking. This may not be for you, but I find it invaluable in deciphering legal implications of this shitstorm.