I disagree that Trump legitimately won. He won in contravention of the 14th Amendment and only through the hijinks of an ethically challenged Supreme Court. Sorry, but I reject the whitewashing of Trump, who had people done their jobs would be on his way to jail.

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All the lies are how he won also so he didn’t legitimate win. He lied.

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You seem to be talking about the court results though, not the election.

I would say that at best he -apparently- won the electoral college which gives him the right to become President. (That’s different from winning a one-person-one-vote election because as I’m sure you know one person’s vote can have a range of weights depending on the population of the person’s state.) Trimp also -apparently- won a plurality of the popular vote but that alone would not make him president-elect.

In one-person-one-vote elections , the person who won is the one who gets the most votes. Down ballot candidates can win but presidents can only achieve their office by the unequal vote rules of the electoral college.

Even looking at the popular vote m, Trump only apparently won. That’s because of the ample evidence of fraud in tabulation of the votes.

Mr. Litman and many other commentators are either innumerate or too cowed by the years of baseless Republican claims about fraud by Democrats to be willing to examine the likelihood of fraud by Republicans and their helper-hackers here and abroad. That doesn’t change the underlying facts, however.

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Bullet ballots in Az, allegedly. But since the vote was certified doesn't help now.

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Trump is Constitutionally prohibited from being president again under the 14th Amendment Section 3.

Well-reasoned, beautifully written paper on 14/3 here:


Votes, counting electoral votes, and swearing-in make not one bit of difference to this.

Only supermajorities in the House and Senate can override Amendment 14 Section 3.

There is a coup in progress. Trump and his associates got the script from Hitler:


“The big joke on democracy,” Goebbels observed, “is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.”

We need to focus on 14/3 before our 53 days is up...3

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So your contention is that the election is illegitimate?

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In prison. Jail is less than one year.

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He’s far too busy in the war room plotting takeovers of allies territory to show up for a hearing Friday. All his harping about Liz Cheney being a war monger was simply

More projection. He is and forever will be a convicted felon.

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Personally, I don't think he legitimately won this election. It's just odd that so many states elected democrats downballot but voted for THIS guy at the top of the ticket. It just doesn't add up.

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I agree with you on this and hoped that something would come of it however I'm guessing nobody (Dems) wanted to go there, claiming voter fraud, especially after all that occurred with the 2020 election.

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And now trump owns them because none of them have the will to follow through with the tools our forefathers gave them to be a check on the other 2 branches. So many cowards are in office

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Can Trump be removed from office for giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists by pardoning the Jan. 6 convicts?

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Excellent. They have already been tried and proven as such. The only hitch is, our esteemed Supreme Court has given him a free pass to do whatever constitutes an official act, and he would no doubt argue that this qualifies as one.

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Great question!

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But then again, once he's pres he has broad immunity 😮‍💨

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Even if he could, he wouldn't. No one has the intestinal fortitude

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Only if there is a spine in the Democratic leadership. Prognosis, < 50%

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I really like the idea of considering pardons to insurrectionists as aiding insurrection, which is an anti-requisite of office: No person shall be a senator or...hold any office. . . . to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

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They will. No more faith in law makers or laws. All down the toilet after the past four years

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It is absolutely amazing that one has to devote an entire column - no matter how well-reasoned - on this wholly frivolous and contrived motion. Normally, one would have a quick laugh (or snort) then move on to more important things. Trump’s motions are ill-conceived and ill-written. We should weep that this corrupt man is to be president of the United States.

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I've found I'm unable to weep. Don't know that I could stop.😐

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The rule of law in our country is on life support thanks to our Supreme Court who has made up so called immunity for trump’s actions. I feel laughed at by the Supreme Court who has thrown the American people under the bus. If we survive Mr. T’s presidency, we will have to reinvent and rebuild our country starting with an actual Supreme Court who will not only honor but will respect the American people and will protect them from criminals like trump. I always felt that if things got bad - even really bad politically - that we could always depend on them Supreme Court to help and protect us. Obviously they duped all of us.

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Justice in our country seems to be in extremely short supply.

In fact, it seems that the free pass Orangina was given by the UN-Supreme Court may well succeed in destroying our Democratic Republic.

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Well said, Harry! Always easier to deal with when able to discern what the actual facts are and how to face all possibilities with honest, factual information. Thanks for clear and concise information, always!

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The male offspring of a female dog should be looking out at gray walls from behind steel bars right now. This country ranks up there with all the other "shithole" countries for corruption. What a sad fate for such great potential. Ironically, the year of the collapse land exactly 250 years after the start of the revolution that freed us from dynastic rule. Now we're descending into it again, and our former ruler - the UK - is shaking its head in wonderment.

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Trump should be sentenced to 8000 hours of MANDATORY COMMUNITY SERVICE and jailed if he fails to comply. This should keep him busy in the next 4 years and hopefully keep him from destroying Democracy, our relationships in the world and USA IN general.

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Sentence to be served in Greenland.

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There is no way that Trump will be able to wiggle out of Friday's sentencing. He knows that, but keeps on trying for special, privileged relief. His disillusioned thinking leads him to believe he is above the law. He is the worst thing to happen to our Constitutional Republic. He and his perpetrators of chaos will blacken this time of darkness.

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Two tiered justice system - one for everyone else even if you did break the law cuz the private prisons need workers and then second is for all the wealthy and corporations who broke the law but would get a kiss on the cheek and tell them to be good little boys and girls while "wink " at them !

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Actually I think it three tiered: law for us all superseded by law for the rich superseded by law for Trump … which absolves all.

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The dirty, rotten, pile of a dog’s mess will basically skate again. Those who know he’s a criminal either don’t care or are trying their best to figure out how to deal with him. He’s rapidly making us a pariah to those countries that do matter to us in the long run and setting us up for a world of terrible hurt.

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Already the impartial Aileen Cannon is stepping in to aid her master … in a case she has already dismissed …

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Yeah! And since she’s already dismissed her master from accountability! At least let Jack Smith’s report be released for all Americans to review and form their own opinions based on the information in the report! It should not be left to be whitewashed by the convicted felon’s AG!

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She's another nutjob and has shown herself incapable of understanding her job.

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Yet again the rich, white man who is completely corrupt and willing to do anything for an easy profit has slipped past the bonds of the law thanks to judge Cannon. The Merchan case appears to be our last chance to get a conviction for any of Trump’s crimes. If he somehow slips away from this conviction it will not be luck, it can only be a deeply powerful group of individuals with the money and influence to purchase a leader of the free world. I say this because Trump is by no measure a leader an yet here he is POTUS for the second time and he hasn’t spent a minute in jail despite being the most dishonest and criminal person in politics. No one is that “lucky”!

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