I know what will happen to Ukraine, they will continue to fight for their continued Freedom, without the help of America. We as Americans, will and are Loosing our standing in the World, and our Government.This administration is being lead by a Russian Asset, and no one, But Putin is going to benefit. There should be Impeachment procedures in place for the Removal of trump Now. I hold all Republican's in both houses accountable, and some questionable Democrats as well. If Ukraine looses it's fight for it's independence and Democracy, there's no stopping Putin attacking every outlying Country, which is what he and trump may have had in mind this whole time. As for me, I stand with Ukraine, not Putin and trump. Blessings for Ukraine πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ’”

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Impeachment for Trump AND Vance, who was equally culpable in this anti-diplomatic fiasco. The only person who scares me more than Trump (a malignant narcissist) is Vance - a sociopath who is not only cruel and calculating (the definition of sociopathy), but very intelligent. At least Trump is a buffoon. So I’m at the β€œall or nothing” stage. And, yes, blessings for Ukraine! I just made another donation to World Central Kitchen, directed to Ukraine. I feel helpless, but it’s one thing we can do.

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TFG is rude, a rapist, a racist, a fraud, and a traitor to America.

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A misguided opinion is that Ukraine is losing the war because they are gradually losing territory. This ignores the realities of the situation. War is not like a board game (e.g. Monopoly). Russia has roughly 3.5X Ukraine's population and (had) a big stockpile of Soviet equipment. So Ukraine cannot afford anything close to 1:1 casualties (killed, wounded, captured). They have lured the Russians into constantly attacking, where losses are typically 3:1 in favor of the defenders (Ukraine), grudgingly ceding territory to reduce casualties. Further leveraging the casualty ratio by using technology: drones (pilots inflict casualties without being exposed on the front line), precision strikes on logistics, command centers, and energy supplies. When the Russians gain territory, it is usually farmland - and the few cities they have captured have been reduced to rubble utterly useless to the invader. The Ukrainians have eaten away at the Russian equipment advantage to the point where museum pieces from early WWII appear, and motorbikes and ATV's are used to transport troops - or they walk. Now there are other indications that the Russian military is near the breaking point: the use of donkeys and mules to haul supplies (and their own food, because it's winter, nothing for them to forage on!). Wounded soldiers on crutches fighting on the battlefields. 75% of newly inducted Russian soldiers are over 50. And the inability of the Russian military to expel the Ukrainians from their invasion of Russia at Kursk, even with help from Koreans. Ukraine may be waiting for the right moment to strike, when the Russian military is sufficiently depleted (and other conditions are right). Until then, the invaders are still dangerous.

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Thank you for your description of some of Ukrainian’s victories in this unprovoked act of Russian aggression. Seems that Putin is on his back foot and near the edge of the cliff. Whatever the real reason for having t***p by the short hairs, we absolutely shouldn’t trust that he will do right by America or Ukraine in any β€œdeal” made to end the war. Our Liar in Chief can’t use only false words to declare Ukraine our enemy and Russia our friend.

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It's not unusual for Russia to have a thousand or more casualties each and every day. They've lost hundreds of thousands of Empire lives and at some point they're going to have to conscript people from Muscovy - Petersburg and Moscow - when the captive nations in the Russian Federation have had enough. But Putin, being a psychopath, doesn't really care if Russians die.

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While serving in the US military, we constantly trained on how the Soviet (yes, I am that old!) Union, while battle training their troops in the field, accepted an overly high casualty rate as the cost of waging war. Casualty rate = death of their own troops at the hands of their own commanders and trainers. Unlike the commonly held American military adherence to the Geneva Convention and our own rules of war, Russians do not follow these same guidelines of human decency and respect for their own troops lives. Putin is the dictator in chief of an evil regime.

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SCOTUS continued the hold up of USAID while it β€˜studies’. This seems obviously bowing to Trump, who overruled congress (or let Elon Musk do it.) (SCOTUS could have β€˜studied’ while the aid went to those who need it.)

They ambushed Zelensky, screaming lies.

Today a court declared the firings illegal. I assume that too will go unenforced.

So where are we NOT seeing a 5 alarm fire?

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how do you fight a bully? how do you fight a capo di cape? how do you fight a russian asset? it is disgusting seeing heads of state groveling to trump.... it would be better tif canada and the europeans took the risk of showing PINO the finger and suffered the consequences befcaous he will suck them dry and still sell them to putin....

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In a minute I plan to put on my earbuds (okay, so I'm not rich enough to afford those trendy white wireless thingys--what are they called again?) and watch your video clip, which looks terrif. But I couldn't resist this from David Frum:

Nobody who saw that face will ever forget the grotesque sight.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that 'the devil' is often urbane, charming and attractive.' I've also read that Mr. Trump in his younger, pre Roy Cohn years, could have been described that way. Goes to show that all those sulphur fumes over time have a way of getting at the truth of the matter.

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β€’For decades, Trump has been Putin's obedient and duly-scripted asset...

β€’For decades, Putin has plotted to reclaim USSR-occupied countries...

β€’For decades, America’s radical right extremists and oligarchs plotted their Project 2025 christo-fascist-white-supremacist takeover of the USA...

β€’After 40 years of meticulously putting the pieces of their fascist world takeover in place, Trump's 2024 election was of supreme importance to all...

β€’Given the supreme importance of a 2024 Trump election victory ...

β€’Given Russia’s 2016 and 2020 targeting of our state election infrastructure β€œintended largely to search for vulnerabilities in the security of the election systems." ...

β€’Given that rightwing oligarchs, Koch, Thiel, Murdoch, Musk, Bezos, etc., having used their obscene wealth to buy politicians and judges, consolidated their power by acquiring news and social media to spread lies, fake news and dictate every aspect of our public, political and social messaging ...

β€’Given the years of Putin-Musk collusion ...

β€’Given the Russian bomb threats in battleground states giving access to election infrastructure ...

β€’Given Musk's hackers’demonstrated ease of access to U.S. government accounts and data ...

β€’Given the unprecedented discrepancy btw. the polls and Trump's 2024 victory margin ...

... Can there be any doubt that Musk/Russia breached voting systems to seize control of the presidency, Senate and Congress? ...

They've succeeded! They plan to rule the world, exactly like the greedy, ruthless, power-hungry villains in every dystopian novel and film.












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Oh course she can survive! Ukrainians are devoted to their country and will do almost anything and everything to beat back the orcs. When people in Suszha in Kursk fall ill the troops take them to hospitals in Sumy, Ukraine. Meanwhile, 1,800 Russian soldiers recently deserted from the front lines - no food, no warm clothes, and no smart leadership. Russia is collapsing but with American aid, such as it was (significantly below that of Europe) being pulled by Putin's agent in the White House, it will take longer, take more lives, for Ukraine to win against Russia.

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Harry I think you have to be the best real journalist still going. You don't have gimmicks or games. You bring us the scholarly analysts I would be reading if I had time. Despite how all this sucks!!! your work makes it feel better bc it makes more sense. But really, it does very very much look BAD for our US of A.

We took way too much for granted for way too long, our spoiled selves.

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How can I access the full convo with Anne Applebaum, Michael McFaul, and Steve Sestanovich. This post had a <5min clip.

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the podcast is Talking Feds on apple podcasts. It is other places too. Excellent. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/talking-feds/id1456045551

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Thank you, Harry. No words.

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Zelensky even offered to step down if the country was promised entry into NATO so obviously those trying to oust him are not serious since they didn't take him up on it. Seems like Trump and his people wanted to humiliate him and get some footage for their propaganda machine by having Zelensky at the White House. He could have groveled and they would have turned it on him.

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